The board floats and glides unbelievably fast! I'm super happy with it! As for the paddle...well, thats another story.
I need some opinions! I love the shape, length, feel, outline, look ect of the paddle. The only problem is, its way to flexible. The shaft/paddle bowes with each stroke. One side of the paddle (paddle only) was glassed with one layer of 3oz (the rest of the shaft was just coated with resin). The other side of the paddle (paddle and shaft) was also glassed with one layer of 3oz ( on this side I ran the glass down the shaft onto the paddle, then covered the paddle with a layer of 3oz glass).
So, I'm thinking two things. One - I can try reglassing with a few more layers of 3oz (its all I have). Maybe redo each side completely covering the shaft onto the paddle. Maybe double up each side so I effectively put 6oz of glass on the paddle on both sides.
Two - I can cut the paddle down the middle and put in a oak strip to stiffen it up. This would be a bit risky, but I figure its almost useless as is.
Do you think the extra glass will stiffen it up significantly?? Is two layers of 3oz glass as good as one layer of 6oz?? Whats your opinions on total glass needed (4 layers of 3oz glass on each side?) Some opinions would be great!!
Need some info. How long is the paddle? What is the widest shaft diameter? Looks like it tapers to the handle. How wide is the blade at the tip? What is the thickness of the blade at the thickest part? The way your paddle is now the shaft is flexing over its length. and the blade is fish tailing at its neck. It is not likely that the blade itself is flexing very much. I dont agree that paddles should flex a little or be light. Any flex at all and in time it will break (more than likely just bellow the lower hand when your paddle is under load.Go to Go down to Composite Biaxial sleaving. Click on 22 sizes of fiber glass sleaves in stock. This is where you will find what you need for your paddle shaft. You can also find a size chart that will tell you what diameter sleeve you need. Just from looking at your picture I am guessing that you will need 1-1/4 inch sleeve. I would guess 2 layers of light sleeve color clear. This stuff is what real paddle makers would use for a wood paddle where you want the wood to show. There are many other possibilities if you want to use carbon fiber sleeves. Do not try to use the shrink wrap tubes(very advanced users only). With the clear glass light you can hand lay up 2 sleeves at one time. Hot coat them,sand and then put on a couple coats of varnish. Your blade should be 1 coat of 3 or 4 oz cloth on both sides, extending up the handle about 6 inches with a patch underneath 4inches and extending onto the blade 4 inches. The blade is glassed before the shaft. Then the sleeves are pulled down the shaft onto the blade.This is based on what I can see in the picture so is just a guess. Oh , I forgot to ask what kind of wood the shaft is made of . Thats a nice looking board! Ahui Hou- Wood_Ogre PS I just caught the thickness picture of the blade against the board. I was wrong your blade is fish tailing and also flexing so you would need 2 layers of 3 oz glass on each side of the blade.
Thanks for the info and thanks for the comment on the board.
The paddle is 80" in total length (61" shaft length from the to of the paddle to the top of the handle - 19" blade length). The widest shaft diameter is about 1 1/8" wide. The blade tip is 9" wide. The blade is 5/16" thick (at the thickest part). The paddle is made of cedar and redwood (I know, not very strong woods, I didn't think I would have such a flex issue).
Yes, the shaft is flexing along its length - I don't think the blade is flexing at all (other than along its length with the shaft). What do you mean by "the blade is fish tailing at its neck"?
Also, I just checked out the website. Very interesting! I think I would buy the heavy 1" diameter sleeving, but would it fit over my handle? My handle is about 2.5" would I get the sleeve onto the shaft? Do the sleeves fit tight, are the actual closed sleeves? I'm a bit unsure of how they work.
Sorry for all the questions! Anxious to get paddling :-) Thanks for all the help
I had some extra time on my hands while waiting for a response so I used up some extra 3oz glass I had laying around. I put two layers of 3oz from the handle extending down and covering the blade on each side. I also put an extra layer of 3oz just on the blade between the two full-length layers.
What I would do at this stage is to buy 1 1/4inch sleeve. Get enough to do 3 or 4 layers. Then I would cut off the handle. I would then pull one sleeve over the shaft and wet it out with epoxy. when it is dry enough to touch I would pull on another sleeve and wet that out with epoxy. Next day test the paddle shaft for flex. I go paddle them hard. I use a temporary handle drilled over size just taped to the shaft. If there is still flex then take it home and pull on another sleeve. You can just keep adding sleeves untill it is stiff. When you have enough sleeves then glue on the handle, hotcoat the paddle with epoxy then a couple coats of marine varnish. The first 4 paddles I made I used red wood and balsa(mistake).They were flexible and seemed strong and I paddled them for over 40 hrs. each ended up breaking 2 of them. So I would have to say that a combination of cedar and red wood is not the best although if you were useing carbon fiber sleeves it would work. What I am doing now is 3 laminations and 5 laminations on the paddle shaft . I use a combination of red wood and Poplar or cedar and poplar. I use 1 layer of 4 oz glass between the laminations and then 2 or 3 sleeves. I will be experimenting with other woods as I have time. The glass cloth sleeves get there strength from the fibers being byaxile (sp) regular cloth dosen't add much strength. But you can use 2 inch wide glass tape wrapped around the shaft like when you tape a bat handle. The sleeves are much beter and easier to work with. they work like a chinese finger puzzle. Push the sleeve over the shaft and it will be loose and pull it and it will become tight. Do a search on sways Wood_Ogree paddles and you should be able to find a couple of how I did its with pictures. It took me more than a dozen paddles before I figured it out. I didn't worry much about brakeing paddles. I make mine with koa paddle blades so when I brake one I just glue the handle back together cover the joint with shrink tube and give them away as wall hangers. Wood_Ogre PS, It would be nice if you added some info to your profile page. I don't care much to respond to those who I don't know something about.
As requested, I updated my personal info - never even knew it was there…thanks.
I also see you made a few hollow wood kite boards!!! I would love to give that a go! I have a freind who lives in St. Croix and a new handmade board would make an excellent gift!!
Are there any threads relating to your kiteboard building??