Aloha! Had a question for you experts out there regarding a SUP. I am in the market and am looking at buying a Laird SUP: 10’ 6" x 29 3/4" x 4 3/8". (rounded pin tail) I weigh 200 lbs. and am 5’ 10". I am 40 yrs. old and have been surfing for about 25 years. I usually ride a 9’ 0" hp. longboard unless it gets big and then I go to a more traditional style gun.I just wanted your opinion on the specs. of this SUP. I plan on riding it mostly when the water is flat to crosstrain/excersise or when the waves are small. I surf, dive, swim…whatever, as long as its in/around the ocean. Is this board big enough for me? Anyone out there have any suggestions with regards to this or another board??? Much mahalos for any positive input and aloha from Maui…PEACE!!!
As long as you speak Thai, no worries.
Laird SUP: 10' 6" x 29 3/4" x 4 3/8". I weigh 200 lbs. and am 5' 10". I am 40 yrs. old and have been surfing for about 25 years. I plan on riding it mostly when the water is flat to crosstrain/excersise or when the waves are small. I surf, dive, swim.....whatever, as long as its in/around the ocean. Is this board big enough for me? Anyone out there have any suggestions with regards to this or another board??? Much mahalos for any positive input and aloha from Maui.....PEACE!!!
The Laird SUP is a good model and should serve it's purpose. You can always go custom on your next one. For your first SUP it a good one.
This should be a good board to start with. But don’t be suprised when you find yourself going out in larger surf on it.
Small surf is ok, but when bigger waves come, that’s where the real fun in sup is. As an experienced surfer, you know how a lineup works. Have fun!
I made two custom SUP’s, first was 10’x 30"x3 3/4" and it floated a friend of mine that was 6’2" 220 lbs. no problem. My latest is a 9,6" x 29 x 3 3/4" and its fine for me at 175 lbs. but it is definately more work balancing. I’d say you’ll be fine with the Laird model. Should be a great board to start with.
The size looks good for your weight. Not too challenging, not to big. It should be comfortable.
There are lots of good boards to chose from now.
Our own Swaylokian Carve Nalu ( is a top brand worth looking at. Priced very nicely too. Check out the 10’6 WAA model.
aloha guys, just wanted to say thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it…PEACE!
Brah,Try the board out before you buy it!!!Some Laird boards SUCK,ask on Maui other guys who SUP about that particular board.If you really are only going to use it to cross train,with your weight,I would go to an 11.0x29.75 or 30,square tail more stable(,pin tail better if you plan on surfing it.) you will have more fun The Jimmy Lewis 11.0 classic is a good example. A friend has the 10.6 x 28.75 J.Lewis classic,he weighs 200 and paddles with his dog on it.,Aloha