SUP Template

I was screwing around with acushaper… But can’t seem to get what I need. Does anyone have acces to a good sup template they can share?  Or sell if they make them?  Looking to get a sup for the flatter days of summer and was thinking of shaping even though my backyard bay would probably be tight on space I think I can swing a 10’6 or so… wave sup.   any input is welcomed!!! Thanks guys,!



Hey Kg5672, 

Try messing around again with AKU shaper, it’s a pretty user friendly program. Otherwise, grab some masonite, plot some points and make a template. That’s all part of the fun, and learning process. I’m pretty sure there has to be a good “template making” thread in the forum somewhere. Good luck!

Nalu Froseith wanted a 10’6" double wing swallow from me, I have a very nice 5’10" DWS from the 80’s, this is where I wish I had paid more attention in Mrs. Sugino’s algebra class in Hawaii at Radford.

But after a few minutes of head scratching, I was able to write the formula’s correctly, the came out to about .58 of length and .67 for width.

I took the measurements of the smaller template, divided up the SUP blank into the same amount of sections and multiplied by the decimals. When I connected the dots, the SUP was extremely narrow in the nose, but I had a starting point to work from, had the fluffer come in and fill out the nose to where I liked the look

I like your formula jimthgenius.  Gonna have to play with that. @ fiberglass hawaii, I’m gonna screw with aku again, guess its gonna be a big spin template du to the size of Masonite sheets. Made nice templates before for shortboards, but never for something this big. See what I get. If I could print something out of aku I could start to draw it out

I built replicas of Joe Quigg’s boards for Buzzy Trent for a historic surf movie, Mickey Munoz said he had Joe’s original butcher paper templates, they had push pin holes in them every where, Joe would pin them against the ceiling and lay in bed looking up at them, then with a crayon sketch / fair in the lines until it was what was in his mind as right

That’s a great story! It’s cool when you lay in bed at night and dream of diferent new ways to do things. 

Making templates is fun and rewarding, often I use templates to make other templates for in reality they are kind of like big french curves.  Making good templates before will help prevent bad outlines.  One of my friends who is highly respected as a SUP shaper likes to say: “Make them look sexy.” You can take what you want from that, and I will keep his name out of this thread because I don’t want to alarm his wife.  Get creative and have some fun with it; don’t worry about what everyone else is doing and make what you want, always considering what is pleasing to the eye.

   …  Get a fiberglass baton … bend and pin it in place with finishing nails … draw your outline … Get it right one side … measure out from center mark and repeat  … use your surfboard templates to complete the nose or tail … don’t worry about the small holes … Have Fun … !!! … SB

I am in the middle of building a 24 foot balsa blank, I had the rocker stick from the 16 footer from the same group, divided the 24 into 16 sections, 17-1/8" each.

Started at center and butted the 8’ mark of the 16 against the outside end of the center section, slipped the 7’ down to the next, so on until the ends. It was a hodgepodge of lines, but I have a cedar batten 16 feet long, started at the tail with it clamped down and moved toward center, clamping as I went.

It took a couple of adjustments to get the curve looking clean, but got past center, moved the stick until it touched the nose, clamped it back down and faired the lines out to the nose. Dropped the base on the Skil saw until only an inch of blade was showing and sawed it out top and bottom, laid it across 3 Workmates and cleaned it up with the planer, adjusting the lines even more, when I look at it, it isn’t 100%, I can see slightly flatter areas, but isn’t it going to get “shaped”. Greg Griffin’s eyes just rolled back in his head, he knows the shaper

I believe I saw pics you posted of the 16 footer… You really out did yourself on that one!! Sick!  24 foot is rediculous!  Post some pics when your done. 

I made a good outline template on akushaper yesterday. I wanna make a spin template of it on Masonite. I’m gonna print it on  banner paper from kinkos in one piece and go from there. Should take some time but should be fun. Since the kids my time is limited but always find time to go in the shed!