supercharger update for herb

hey dude, surfed the board twice so far, once in chest high beach break(porto), and yesterday a shoulder high left reef/point. i surfed it both times with the old school chargers in it and it’s definitely my best riding board yet. for a 7’2" it paddles well(which it should) but it’s also very loose, w/out losing that solid feel a gun should have. i still have to do “the test” (the waves were too fun and the board working too good to get out) but i will soon. granted i was also feeling out the board itself(probably more so) but it was so smooth rail to rail, way more so than the 6’10 i was riding previously. this board has more tail rocker which is def. a factor, but it just felt really good. i’m gonna have to surf it w/out the sc’s to be objective, but so far i’m really psyched…thanks for fins, as i get some more waves with it i’ll let you know more. i’d still like to let you scope the board and get your critical eye, i’ll let you know when i’ll be down that way for blanks, maybe a week or so. peace.

Thanks,Bruce because the board is new in alot of aspects it will take a little time to feel things out…In time, I’m sure you will come to the same conclusions that I have…The major differences in my Superchargers vs. Rusty’s C-5 or Will Jobson’s Twinzer is that the Superchargers can be installed on ANY exsisting board/design with sidefins,eg.Thruster,twin,2+1,long or short,wide or narrow,thick or thin,old or new.Herb.