Supercrylic Over a Paint Pen Pin ?

Just Put Down a Pin Line on a Fine Sanded (600 grit) Hot coat. Pen Used was a Hunt Corp Painters Pen (Water Based Acrylic)- My Question is this- I Dont want to add any More weight to the Board- and wanted to try the S&F Supercrylic as the final Coat. Is it going to Bleed my Pin Line- What say you, he who has gone before me…?

…Test it first.Herb

I don’t think that will make your pinline bleed, I use posca pens and spray a few hours later with acrylic,but you can spray krylon satin right away it dries in 15 min,do two light coats, you won’t add any weight by clear coating.

Is the Supercrylic thin enough to spray, or do you brush-? Will a 600 grit sand Job have enough “tooth” to hold it, or should I ccuff it up some? Does it stay clear over time? Thanks!- Steve

Anyone have experince with Krylon UV-resistant acrylic clear spray? How does the UV-resistance hold up?