
does any body know much about the new superfactory quicksilver is supposed to be funding on the gold coast, there is all kind of storys/rumours buzzing around… we hear that you have to be an ass kisser to be part of it only bigger chosen labels can be part of it and they want to lower wholesale prices to that comparable of china! some of the biggest queensland labels are involved…LONG LIVE THE ACTUAL CUSTOM! we would love to hear all your storys so we can piece together something actual

does any body know much about the new superfactory quicksilver is supposed > to be funding on the gold coast, there is all kind of storys/rumours > buzzing around… we hear that you have to be an ass kisser to be part of > it only bigger chosen labels can be part of it and they want to lower > wholesale prices to that comparable of china! some of the biggest > queensland labels are involved…LONG LIVE THE ACTUAL CUSTOM! we would > love to hear all your storys so we can piece together something actual cmon 46 of you guys have looked and read this today in australia on the east coast… someone must know something!!!

cmon 46 of you guys have looked and read this today in australia on the > east coast… someone must know something!!! im sure most of us hear some of these rumours steven… we just try to forget them and make better boards and suit more individual customers every day! what will be will be! there has always been mass producers around, from the days of g&s, shane, aloha and others like darcy/pottz and nevs run to dhd/magic mix now! they never last forever. trends are just what thier name implies. outcraft them and word of mouth will get you work!

cmon 46 of you guys have looked and read this today in australia on the > east coast… someone must know something!!! The only thing i have heard is, they are making their own foam, Rabbit