Surf camp or surf school in the Ventura area?

…for a guy from a french forum, He’s looking for a good surf school or camp. Any of you can recommend one? Thanks.

Hello Balsa, There are a few  "surf schools" in town. You might want to get in touch with Patagonia or Great Pacific Iron Works. There is a gal that works(ed) for them that has a school. If you want particulars, let me know and I can get phone numbers or contact info. I personally don't know anyone doing this but there are plenty around.

Hi tblank, thanks for the fast reply. Contact info would be great if you can get it. Thanks a lot!

Hi Guilhem -

I haven't used any of these but if there is anything I can do to help coordinate, have your friend PM me.

Hello John, how are things going? Thanks for your help. Actually, the guy is not a “friend”, just a newbie on one of the surfing forums I’m lurking on. Anyway, i’ll tell him.