surf in alaska?

Im looking to go on a surf trip up the alaskan coast next month, but I have no knowledge on where to go or what I’m in for. Any input would be helpful. And does Haines, Alaska have surf?

Probably, if you find any dont tell anyone.

WOW! Im sure theres surf there but you would have to wear a dry suit even in the summer.


well if you come to kodiak i can take you a few places to catch some good waves and give you a decent place to stay as well. if your going to make it to koidak let me know i have a lil bit of infor on surfing other places in ak as well


water temp here in the summer sometimes skyrockets into th 60s.  but i have a hypertech 5/4/3 suit  with a hood attached. i wear it all year long and most times sweat a little.  the water is not as cold as you would think. the cold is when you get out of the water and the air temp is lik 7*F  and you suit freezez be fore you can get to the beach fire or your warm car


I’m not a birthright stickler, but i was born in Alaska. So i’m kinda hoping that after the ice caps put all the lower 48 breaks under deep water that i kin go back up there and wave my birth surferticket around, and by the time i am as old as half the guys on Swaylocks, global warming should have the water temps up to balmy 3/2 temps, whoohoo!