oral history 800 dating to years ago?
try google da kanaka,
photos not availiable
Herb Kane painted a picture of him …
era has been compromised as a specific term
is it a contemporary market catch phrase?
a legend is a story, is it faast becoming another modified meaning?
or is it already a done deal
is a legend a no longer a thing
but now a person
when will it become a place
on a night much like this
a canoe slipped into the bay at WA MAKAIWA
on kauai at around dusk
the canoe had come from Tahiti
it had stopped at every Island in tthe hawaiian chain
at each island some of the original crew had chosen to stay
Moikeha sailed on to Kauai
the canoe lay offshore
at dawn,residents were seen going for a surf
Moikeha joined them
the begining of a long and loyal life to kauai
and a connection to the remote past
paul bunyan is a legend
repeated and embelished stories
about respected ancestors and peers
grow to grand proportions over time…
the media self stroking perprtuates it self
stars are no longer a viable marketable comodity
we were beaten into submission by the stars of the70’s and revolted
to gain a sense of self credibility
is this new catch word simply another tool to stratify the credibility?
are we slowly being sold into slavery to media /marketing
collecting TITHE to the surfasorial industrial complex
tell the stories
listing legends?
as individuals?
where are the legends of the fallen ?
are they all sponsored?
god bless them all
tomorrow is a day of legendary potential
do somthing worthy of retelling
ralph young borrowed the 8’6 three stringer preformance wide nose board from me I made it in 73 I modified it from the 10’1 cabell gun blank plug
maybe I made it in 72 it was before I started dating em,that was in ‘73,thet series had batik lam emblems…I still have the 6’2 shorty and the 7’6 speeder and the board that ralph coveted til about 78 it has a nose thats less than 1/4’’ tthick glassed…I gotta check the date…100’’ the first modern longboard on kauai… great thought … how bout the first modern longboard in the world…ha!.. oh but longboards dont qualify lest they are 9’…sorry…
Ibsen’s enemy of the people
‘‘every generation rewrites its own histories…’’