Surf Merit Badge

As a former Boy Scouts of America scoutmaster, I tried to talk some scouts into designing and earning a surfing or boardbuilding merit badge. BSA doesn’t have such badges, but maintains a method for custom designing merit badges. Has anyone worked with scouts to design and earn a surf merit badge? How did you work it?

Badges? WE DON’T NEED NO STINKING BADGES!! sorry, couldn’t resist!

Badges? WE DON’T NEED NO STINKING BADGES!!>>> sorry, couldn’t resist! That is funny. I worked with a boy scout troop in Hawaii. It was kind of a pain because the people in charge at the “aloha council” wanted all these safety measures taken (such as wearing a life vest). And then they wanted a certified lifeguard for each boy. The boys just wanted to experience surfing I meen jeez they lived in Mecca. Ended up just taking them surfing a few times not as an “official” outing but as a group of friends. If you are successful let me know what you did.

When I was 11 years old one of the attractions of surfing was getting away from all that adult supervision, 44 years later it still is. Peter

Don’t ask , don’t tell Shame on the B.S.A.

Fuck you.

Fuck you. certainly politics and religion are two of the most touchy and fiercest debated topics in any social circleand in this day and age sexual orientation.however, be it boy scouts or reaction/response to the recent attack on the U.S. i think that being politically correct often interferres with what is right and moraland deteres from the proper course of action.

certainly politics and religion are two of the most touchy and fiercest > debated topics in any social circleand in this day and age sexual > orientation.however, be it boy scouts or reaction/response to the recent > attack on the U.S. i think that being politically correct often > interferres with what is right and moraland deteres from the proper course > of action. what are you trying to say, matt? who is deserving of a “fuck you” in this thread? noodle, for wanting to teach kids board-building and reward them with a medal? or free thinker for crashing the thread to chastise boy scouts of america for their ‘we’d rather have heterosexual scoutmasters, thank you’ stance? my ‘fuck you’ goes to free thinker. i’m sorry for my tone, but since tuesday there’s only good guys, and bad guys!