im trying to do some research as to what a surf movie should be. if you can, please take some time and spit out a very opinionated take on whata surf movie should be. give me all your opinions and ideas (unless of course your gonna use them yourself) please.
Hey Gatordave,
It really depends what you want to get across to the audience. Drama, comedy, thriller, horror etc. There are no set plans available for different genres but basically
Introduction Titling, Introduction to the Subject, Subject, Conclusion to the Subject, Closing, Closing Credits.
If you stick to that order and the content follows suit you can’t really go wrong. (unless the film footage and audio is crap!!!)
…there you go Dave ! [ maybe this will crossover with the “swaylocks footage” thread too , perhaps?]
direct from the graphic artist’s [hicksy] keyboard to you .
Hope that, combined with my never ending emails, gives you at least the ‘technique’ / format side of things.
…I think you have the subject side of thinks sussed, yeah ?
Passion, not porn. Vision, not violence. Make viewers feel included, not excluded.
A great surf movie can change a person’s life and stick with them forever. If you aren’t shooting for that every time, don’t shoot at all. Some people hit it the first time out, some never do, some wind up with a body of work which in itself is classic without ever having one break away. While you are at the mercy of the times you live in, your vision determines the overall quality.
It should be able to withstand a barrage of bottle caps. RB
Bottom line when making a film of any kind it must tell an engaging story. After all that is what film is; it is a visual story. The real question for you is what makes a good story. Then think how you can translate that story effectively to images. Ultimately a good story has to be something that your audience can identify with and brings them deeper into the world You or your subjects have created.
I think the best surf movies are those that can appeal to a wider audience. Where a non-surfer can maintain interested and get a true feeling of the lifestyle. I personally don’t like the whiney-fake-punk-rock driven, lip-bash after lip-bash, tube after tube sort of movie (taylor steele). It’s ok. I’ll watch it, but there’s not enough substance or introspection. I really dig clever cinematography and shots of the environment so you can get a glimpse of the actual culture and environment of a far away place. I still think that Morning of The Earth is the prototype upon which all surf films should be judged.
I don’t think there is any set formula for a surf movie as it comes down to personal preference and what each person is trying to get out of the movie… I guess you need to think about what message you are trying to get accross.
You could go out and do something completely different and break some new ground.
My faves over the last few years have been the movies put out by the moonshine conspiracy. Shelter is my fave.
i allready ahve everyting planne dout and am waiting to get my camera and housiong to start filming.
just wondering if people here would like to contribute their own specific likings in surf movies. editing, content, surfers, boards.
by the way, morning of the earth is a good movie but not the best. innermost limits and 5 summer stories is way better. mote had terrible music.
Yo Dave-
Johnson, Malloy, Kidman, and Campbell are probably the best/most creative entertainers/directors in the surf film realm right now. What you should do is get every movie by those guys (which ain’t alot - like 2 or 3 each), and check out what you like and dislike. Also, check out the snowboard movies being made right now, especially by a group of guys named “Robotfood”. Awesome. LAME by Robotfood may be the best sports movie I’ve ever seen. Good luck, I’m shootin’ a bit of dorky crap with buddies as well, trying to figure out how to edit, etc. Kinda like shaping, actually…
more random ones for you Dave !
As one who has not been to cali, or seen all your boards in action , and not really many of the breaks, there’s three ideas for you Dave , right off the bat.
As has been hinted at, dorky music and / or narration can ruin good footage.
Have a chat to the mat guy I mentioned before, and sit down and check the footage.
I’m guessing the stuff you liked in ‘sprout’ and september sessions had a certain ‘feel’ to it that you liked … music, camera techniques, angles…
if you want surfers and boards advice…
the swaylocks footage format would open a treasure trove of different techniques, boards, styles, ages, brainstorming…
okay, enough for now…
if I think of more, I’ll get in touch mate !
p.s. - has jake come up with any good ideas too ?
p.p.s. - would you also be interested in using footage from oz and elsewhere ?
Peir angles are sick, far away water angles of barrels are sick, airs from behind look sick, have something cool for the persons intro, don’t pick songs that don’t make you wanna go surfing
not to long , expose the culture , artistic , variety of surfers , locations , and equipment …
gota have good music …