
…my long awaited 12’3" blank is soon to meet my planer…any final cosiderations re: creating the perfect beast…

must take blank foam to skip frye, the “perfect beast” creatador>>> …my long awaited 12’3" blank is soon to meet my planer…any final > cosiderations re: creating the perfect beast…

…my long awaited 12’3" blank is soon to meet my planer…any final > cosiderations re: creating the perfect beast… Perhaps Bonta should be consulted on this one.

…which way do you have that thing pointed? Nose first out the front or the back door? Good luck Paul, I know you can do it! TS>>> …my long awaited 12’3" blank is soon to meet my planer…any final > cosiderations re: creating the perfect beast…

…my long awaited 12’3" blank is soon to meet my planer…any final > cosiderations re: creating the perfect beast… Cross your fingers and pray that you still have them when your done! Good Luck Oh, Snap a chalk line, to be sure. I saw hundreds with a warp delivered to Con Surfboards over those years.

bummer the archives are down… I posted my friend’s 12’6" Parmenter Makaha Machine. 5 1/4" thick with a nice streamlined shape. Lots of nose rocker - paddles great - Dave Parmenter uses one like it in inter-island paddle races. Still surfable but definitely not a hotdoggger.

surfers journal V4#3 page 39 – gordon quigg shaped one for dale hope 12’ x 19 1/4 x 4 3/8 thick – nice shape – looks like fun i rode an 11’6" hanky a few months ago with a similar outline and dimensions – was very stable and fast paddling, and very surfable (mushy tourmaline) skip is the master shaper for section connectors – but make no mistake he shapes the ultimate long SURFBOARDS – much thinner than what you are interested in (plus, he aint shapin no more anyways) parmenters looked too much like a tandem board, too little like what i would have in mind. i wouldn’t round the bottom too much and would want the deck as flat as possible, plus you don’t need the nose all that wide…if you are goona noseride the thing (hell, you aint goona ride the nose on a veheekle like that!) i have been thinking about shapin one myself – whew what a big project. what would be the coolest on one of those is to ride an open ocean swell into the line-up and then ride the breaking wave! just like greenough and pals are doing on their mats.

…my long awaited 12’3" blank is soon to meet my planer…any final > cosiderations re: creating the perfect beast… Riiigghhtt… so, what happened to the other half? Why not emulate your Hawaiian heritage as a real waterman and make it 24`-6"?? Bonta! Where are you???