Surfboard Info

Hello, brand new member here & asking for some help. Is this the place to post about requesting info on my older boards, must-have finds, board rarity/value & potential buyers & trades, post pictures etc?

Please advise- Thanks, Jeff


your in the right place

you just need to take some pics of the board and post them up

Would love to get some insight on this Pacific Surfboard especially in regards to origin/rarity/value etc.



half moon-ish swallow tail: 1973 ish

art wide stripe low mid 70’s (early-mid 70’s)

Fin box and fin, early -mid 70’s.

I have a Firefox addon (right click on photos:‘ImageZoom’) to easily rotate or resize photos within the webpage,

Pacific Surfboards, Huntington Beach: in that condition its not worth much more than anything else your likely to find in a trashcan.

I wouldn’t give you $50 for it.