Surfboards Interactive you asked you got it now!!!

We’ve almost totally changed the site to give the shaper a really easy way to design. These new controls will blow your mind. Now with TOTAL shaping controls. Template, Rocker Contour, Cross Sections!! You guys have to check it out…you will see white dots and colored dots on a shape for the different types of views…drag them around into place. In general the white dots control keypoints and the colored dots control the curve. You can create any shape you want from these controls. Total design freedom. The “Flex II” template designer also has some premade templates of different types so that it gives you an easy starting point. All the different shape views also has an overall scale tool to scale the overall lengths and widths. Thanks everyone for there input and direction. We put a huge effort into this. Thanks especially to Tony Channin, the Gordon & Smith Gang, Wingnut, Gre Loehr, and the HIC gang. I took the time spent at Surf Expo with these guys…and applied that to this and future S.I. projects. Enjoy…and shapers… you can post boards on our site… We haven’t updated the Animated Help Demo yet so any questions just email me at