After a peaceful evening`s jog along the shimmering low tide sand, your grizzled, old canine companion slowly turns away from his seaward gaze, and looking back at you, says, “bummer about the weak swell, dude…” Ever had a dog who loved the beach and surfing life even more than you did?
After a peaceful evening`s jog along the shimmering low tide sand, your > grizzled, old canine companion slowly turns away from his seaward gaze, > and looking back at you, says, “bummer about the weak swell, > dude…”>>> Ever had a dog who loved the beach and surfing life even more than you > did? Ya, Shelby,my Blue Queensland Heeler.Herb.
Can’t attest to the dog’s fancy of the beach, but Brian Keaulana routinely brought his pet pig, “pua” (which means “flower”) to the break at makaha, and took the little porker SURFING!..there are numerous shots of Brian and this little piggie…hanging HER piggies (or hooves, in this case) over the nose. I SWEAR that the damned critter LIKED this ritual. It would actually sit and get comfy! (I have also seen surfin’ dogs, but to see a little creature that costomarily winds up in an IMU…out on a board with her master…is kind of a warped {but beautiful} irony).
Every dog I have ever had was a surf dog. When I was a kid we had Labradors. While they were pups we would take them out on my dads Wind n Sea Spoon and they would surf in with us. They absolutely loved the water. When I graduated from high school I had to have my last lab put down due to a massive tumor. Just prior to my graduation a couple friends and I made a run out to Glamis in a Toyota Land Cruiser. After a few days we ran out to the river for a bath. On our return we came upon a low rider going slow and swerving along the highway. They were getting their kicks chasing a half german shepard half wolf down the highway. This dogs was out in 110 degree heat running full blast in the middle of the desert. We ran the low rider off the road into the sand and let the dog jump in the back. Well to make a long story short I ended up keeping him and naming him L.C. after the landcruiser we found him in. He spent the summer with me between highscool and college. We would walk into Trestles together. We would paddle out and he would sit on my board until a set would come. I would push him off and catch a wave. By the time I would paddle back out, he would be sitting on someone elses board. The poor guy would be in the water with a snarling dog staring him down. That dog would go out in anything up to double over head. One day I came home from work just before school started up. He was gone. Several months later my mother sent me an article about a family that moved from Colorado to Seattle. They lost their dog just before they moved in May. He showed up at their door in October. He had never been to Seattle before. The picture and the timing sure made me believe that L.C. had finally found his way home. Now I have a half Lab half Golden Retriever named Hobie. He hangs with all the shapers in the neighborhood and loves the beach. Oh the cycle of life.
Old Mayo one of my Labs. He detoured to Colorado with my brother in law the summer we moved to Oceanside. Seems that beating the summer heat on a riverbank gold mining operation was his plan. He came back to us in September and got in the groove on the beaches of San Diego County. He particularly liked the low tide runs along Stone Steps in Leucadia. No one to hassle dogs and lots of pretty French girls sunbathing at the foot of the cliffs. Labs are kind of nosy and as I recall he came home more than one time with sand thrown all over his big old face. Here is a big old chocolate lab hanging on my arm now telling me to get off the keyboard and go out and play. Gotta go. TS>>> After a peaceful evening`s jog along the shimmering low tide sand, your > grizzled, old canine companion slowly turns away from his seaward gaze, > and looking back at you, says, “bummer about the weak swell, > dude…”>>> Ever had a dog who loved the beach and surfing life even more than you > did?
Sorry Dale. My dog’s blind. Got blind in Colorado cause I had him at 10,000 feet and the sun was too intense fer im.