Surfers ear, non surgical remedy


You are on the right track but don’t mix anything. Use the alcohol first to dry out any water. Next pour in White distilled vinegar. Do this every time you exit the water. It prevents fungus growth which is the cause of your pain. It does nothing for bone growth.

I had ear problems from the late 60’s until Proplugs came out - now I buy them 3 packs at a time, never without them whether surfing or swimming laps ( 4 different sizes, so find the right size for you), and rarely have any water in the ear problems, and no ear infection in over 3 decades.


If I do manage to get a bit of water in the ear I use Macks ear dryer, works as good as advertised - a rare thing.



   Howzit huesos, I have to disagree about the vinegar not helping with the bony growths since even my ENT doctors will agree that vinegar is a great calcium killer(even used for artritis). And it is proven that the mixture works even if they are mixed together and not use seperartely as you advise. I will say to each his own when it comes to healing but having you need to have people who will backup your statements and themix has quite a few here on Sways that will atest to the fact it works. I am not saying that not mixing doesn't work but I will say that the vinegar is like an acid to the calciuum and will eat away the bony growths. I am one who has been one who it worked for and to thi dys still use the mixture with great results and then we have Herbs Doctor who was blown away by the results after only a few months of use. Aloha,Kokua

My first exposure to the mixture was when it was dispensed to me by a DOCTOR, at EWA CLINIC.    It was in a bottle, with the label, AAA Otic.    That was 1967.

    Howzit Bill,Iwas hoping you would step up and post on this thread because I know you are one of the people who knows this mix works and to hear that a doctor gave it to you is even better evidence it works. Sometimes people just don't want think think the simple things can work better than a high priced script. I had to explain to my nephew just the other day that his high tech antibiotic ear drops will stop working after he builds up immunity and there is nothing else on themarket to treat it. Funny thing is he has used the MIx in the past and it worked for him but he is to lazy to get a small bottle ,eye dropper and make up the mix. Like they say you can lead a horse to water but can't makehim drink. When I was going through my cancer thing the doctors were a little surprized I healed so well and fast. I told them I had not used antibiotics in over 25 years and they told me that could be part of the reason why the antbioyics worked so well. Aloha,Kokua


I've always used Blu Tack if I wanted to keep my ears dry.


Isn't half the reason you get surfers ear is from cold weather/air blasting you all the time? and that is why the bone grows?



My left ear is 85% closed and my right is about 60% closed.


If you surf in England for a while, you WILL get surfer's ear, I believe. I don't know many people who ahven't these days now I think about it.


I heard that the surgery itself is not that effective anyway, as the bone will grow back over time,even after surgery.


I've resigned myself to the fact that I cannot go in any water, even dip my head in the bath, without water getting in and being unable to drain. I have to say-Blue Tack is by far and away the best stuff I have ever used in my ears! I must have tried a dozen different plugs, blobs of silicone etc, before someone turned me on to the Tack.  I've never needed anything else since. Really, very cheap as well.


Is the brand name just an Oz/UK thing or can you get it in other parts of the world? If you can, I really suggest anyone try it, it works a treat.

    Howzit Strychnine, What is Blue Tack,never heard of it. Just keep in mind that the vinegar/alcohol mix is a proven cure also. Aloha,Kokua

just tried the drops this evening, both ears... my right ear has been bothering me after surfs lately and getting worse... here's hoping

    Howzit chris, Good for you for trying the mix. Did you clean your ears first with a bulb syringe? You want to keep the canal clean and clear. Some times if it is just a minor thing lie a dirty ear canal one time will bring relief but if you have a real problem then yu need to keep cleaning and using the mix for it to work. Rome wasn't built in a day.Aloha,Kokua

nah, didn't do the ear bulb thing but will when i take a shower... i'm going to make it a regular routine too. thanks for the info Kokua

Blu-Tack  is slightly sticky, putty like stuff. mainly used for putting up posters on walls and such.
The closest thing widely available in the USA is probably Elmers tack.

You can get it on amazon in the US


I use these. Great stuff. Better than blue tack. Not sure where they’re made though


Blu Tack is the only stuff that I know that stays in no matter what - and it is cheap too! In winter I use White Tack as it is softer so easier to put in your ear.

It saves all this putting vinegar etc in your ears as water simply doesn't get in - and the cold air either - job done. Some folk don't like the stuff as it impairs hearing so you can't chat away or hear the water as well coming behind you. And some folk claim it upsets their balance.......not sure about that really - maybe just need to get used to having less hearing. You'll never get perferated ear drums either! Amazing when you take the stuff is like everything sounds so LOUD.


     Howzit chris, Cup your hand against your stomach to catch the warm/hot water and fill the bulb syringe so when you flush you can squeeze the bulb hard to get some good pressure to clean the ear canal. Like I've said beore if you don't clean the canals the vinegar can't penetrate the canal flesh and get to the boney growths and disolve them. You will see the wax clumps either on the shower floor or even on your shoulder.Good luck and don't stop using the mix. Aloha,Kokua


Hi Kokua,

The remedy appears to have worked after 4 months and approx. 35ml of solution.

A few years back I had to go to an ear specialist because of an ear infection and he said my left ear had closed up quite a bit. He gave me a solution called Aqua Ear, that was supplied to the Australian Institute of Sport. It also contains Isopropyl Alcohol and acetic acid. So that made me feel more confident with the 50/50 Alcohol and vinegar.

I got a bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol, I think it was 70%, and some clear distilled vinegar, which said 5% acid on the bottle and mixed it up 50/50. Now after about 4 months of applying it once or twice a day, water is starting to flow in and out of my ear like a torrent, where as before it used to get stuck in my ear and take ages to clear if at all. The doctor said that was due to ear closure not wax build-up.

I'll still use ear plugs though. Only problem was I got a bit sensitive to lowed noised about a month ago, but have got used to it.

Anyway for my purposes it has worked. I'd need to go and see a specialist to verify any changes.

Anyone else have any success?


     Howzit claude, I am so glad to hear it worked for you. I know that Herb Spitzer said it worked for him after a few months. I still use it my self  for maintainence and I use ear plugs also because 1 of my ear canals is naturally narrowerr than the other. Now just don't stop since your ears will only get better if you keep using it. The best part is there is no invasive surgery or having to stay out of the water . Darn just reading your post makes me feel good and I wish there was a way that we could get every surfer with ear problems the info about using it. Aloha,Kokua

I’m using this as preventative measures, mostly because I don’t want to use earplugs in the lineup. So glad to hear that others are having success reversing a serious problem. Kokua is the best, no doubt. Thanks again for this info.


'' ...I wish there was a way that we could get every surfer with ear problems the info about using it.''


I've been telling people about it since 1967.    It it so simple, and inexpensive, that people don't believe that it can work.   Sad, eh?

Many thanks Kokua and Bill.

Your advice on this has also saved me from going under the knife.

I haven't had an ear infection for some 3 years now since I started using the alcohol/vinegar mix - I used to get a really bad one almost every few months or so.

Don't know if my ear canal growth has reversed or not, I just know I don't have issues any more.

Thanks again Kokua and Bill.




Thank you, for taking the time to say thank you.   So good to hear of your good results.   Don't fail to spread the word among your surf mates.