
surfhungry, do you ever shape boards for people other than your immediate friends and family? tim

surfhungry,>>> do you ever shape boards for people other than your immediate friends and > family?>>> tim Yes, but I prefer to keep that skill as a profitable hobbie and don’t venture beyond shaping for highly stoked,positive,people(any skill level). I usually will not enter my shaping room unless I am fully stoked and positive. This is the way I surf, also career and family come first. Never tryed to undercut any shapers in the biz and I personally know and outsurf alot of them. I know many unhappy,negative factory workers and It’s not gonna happen to me. Regular uncrowded,unlocalized, surf sessions with wide-eyed stoked groms(with no lame contest mentalities) fires me up. Currently my 7’8" rides so good i dont even sweat my next “improved” shape. I’m about to do a 5’8" fishkneeboard and a 9’9" singlefin.

you seem to be the true essense of the way i aspire to be with regards to surfing. family, work then surfing. shape my own boards. just enjoy it. very nice to see this. i think in another post you said you wait a few extra weeks to get blanks with extra tail rocker, can anyone get these? if so, how? i have a 5’10"fishkneeboard – fun board. is your 7’8" a hull? the 9’9" going to be similar to the boards kevin connelly rides? what blank will you use for it? thanks and have a great weekend tim

you seem to be the true essense of the way i aspire to be with regards to > surfing. family, work then surfing. shape my own boards. just enjoy it. > very nice to see this. i think in another post you said you wait a few > extra weeks to get blanks with extra tail rocker, can anyone get these? if > so, how? i have a 5’10"fishkneeboard – fun board. is your 7’8" > a hull? the 9’9" going to be similar to the boards kevin connelly > rides? what blank will you use for it? thanks and have a great weekend tim Your local blank supplyer will fax your specs to clark foam and you can get rocker adjustments/stringers/ and glue colors for any blank. Now, blanks are already pretty close but if you feel a certain blank needed say 1/2" more tail rocker because your vertical turning or noseriding was limited on say your last similar longboard, then you would order(example) a ‘9’8"s +3/8" tail last 12"’. That is a typical 9’6" noserider blank with kicked tail to allow max noseriding/holding in while hanging ten. My 7’8" is just a slighty wider (big boy)thruster. I’m not sure what kevin is riding these days but I’m sure he has one of everything(he rips big time), this 9’9" will be a connelly inspired wide roundpintail with 19" nose and kicked tail from a 9’10H+1/2tail last 12".

Your local blank supplyer will fax your specs to clark foam and you can > get rocker adjustments/stringers/ and glue colors for any blank. Now, > blanks are already pretty close but if you feel a certain blank needed say > 1/2" more tail rocker because your vertical turning or noseriding was > limited on say your last similar longboard, then you would order(example) > a ‘9’8"s +3/8" tail last 12"’. That is a typical 9’6" > noserider blank with kicked tail to allow max noseriding/holding in while > hanging ten. My 7’8" is just a slighty wider (big boy)thruster. I’m > not sure what kevin is riding these days but I’m sure he has one of > everything(he rips big time), this 9’9" will be a connelly inspired > wide roundpintail with 19" nose and kicked tail from a 9’10H+1/2tail > last 12". THANK YOU. I am guessing that w/ a 19" nose would the board be 23"wide w/ a 16"Tail?

THANK YOU. I am guessing that w/ a 19" nose would the board be > 23"wide w/ a 16"Tail? Sounds good to me…