Swallowtails,let's open that box one more time.........

The inside cut of a split tailed board.

…which do you prefer curved lines or straight?


…what’s the differences if any?



Hola Herb,

I’ve always liked the curved inside line, pleasing to the eye and the flow more closely mimics the release of a pintail. I’ve had some great ones though that were the shallower straight swallow. Seems that the tails were narrower and the swallow not as deep or pronounced.

Tom S.

i like the curved inside line as well. for me its how nature build it. it works for fishes so it will work for me.

Curved. I don’t like straight lines on surfboards. I have know idea on differences in performance. I’ll leave that up to all you young test pilots. Mike

, Curved for me. straight lines just don’t work for me…

Strait for me. I like the tips to be sharper.

Howzit droptow, Watch out for those sharp tips. I once got hit by a swallow tail, it did a 3 point landing on my face with the tips hitting my forehead and the tip of the fin hitting just below my lip. Ended up with about 12 stiches. Aloha, Kokua

I would side on the argument that straighter lines on the split would be more efficient, but honestly, it probably doesn’t make any difference whether they’re curved or straight. It’s more of a fashion preference, I guess. Imitating nature is great, but when it comes to planing hull design, there really isn’t anything to build off of :wink: …and straight lines rock.

Thanks for the tip on sharp tips. I have had my fair share of collitions with my board, luckly none too damaging. I’m generally more concerned with hitting the bottom surfing shallow reefs though. In both cases I feel the rewards are worth the risks.

Curved on all wide or retro…

Straight(dovetail) on a semigun or <=14" tail.

I have always been partial to curves, more pleasing to my eye, no difference that I can tell…maybe more drive from the one with curves…more area…peace and waves…