SwayDay Holland !!

Swayday 2008 was very nice.

Pictures of Swayday 2008 Scheveningen at : http://www.mijnalbum.nl/Album=UNLJI3BU`



Thanks all!

Great pictures JanDirk!

Swayholland turned out to be great! More than 10 shapers showed up with their boards, and there were all sorts: longboards quads, fishes, singlefins, bellyboards, hollow wooden boards etc. etc. The level of crafmanship seems to be very high in Holland, too :smiley: We waves were nice too, so after some coffees averybody got in the water and had some waves. Kind of special: at one point all the boards in the water were made by their riders.

Here are some pictures i shot, enjoy. Hope we can do this again soon!

Was good fun!

Glad we finally got something happening, I got a good feeling this is not the last time we hook up! The boards were really cool but the best part was the funky mix of people, from mad-scientist types to surf-geeks and barnyarding-garagists!! Totally succesful day!

Lets start planning the winter session…


That was a nice day!

I can’t wait for the next episode of the bold and the beautifull…:wink:


Lets start planning the winter session…

What about the weekend of 3/4 januari? That’s the first weekend of the new year, so it can be our new-years surf too :smiley:

Now we only need to find a dry and warm space near the beach with enough coffee!



Lets start planning the winter session…

What about the weekend of 3/4 januari? That’s the first weekend of the new year, so it can be our new-years surf too :smiley:

Now we only need to find a dry and warm space near the beach with enough coffee!


We should look into perhaps getting a party tent on the beach then… perhaps we can finangle one of the surfshops in scheef to help out…

Jordy? You reading this?? Hint hint…

Beautiful boards at swayday Holland,I was wondering if belgians would be welcome on the next editions?

Just shaped my first board and surfed it(lovely) and busy on my second.


Of course belgians are ‘allowed’ to come… Holland is small enough already, and the whole point of the swayday is to get as many people together as possible who make their own boards. So you and your boards better show up next time!