Damn the doctor has me grounded and I am going crazy.Seems like the only thing worth doing is to read old Surfers Journals and check Swaylocks out every 20 minutes or so.I have probably set a record for the most posts by an individual in a day.Hope I ain’t burning up Mikes valuable web time or boring any body too much…Thanks from the crippled old Geezer.
I’ve been out for 2 weeks. I’m so sick of sitting around the house. bored BUT I get to go back to work tomorrow YEA…I think. http://www.fiberglasssupply.com/Product_Catalog/ShapingTools/shapingtools.html
That makes 3 of us; I have to give the shoulder a rest for about 2 months. I’m 1 month into it, but it still gets sore at night. I feel castrated. There’s light at the end of the tunnell though, I ordered a new board, it will be ready when my shoulder has healed (hopefully).
That makes 3 of us; I have to give the shoulder a rest for about 2 months. > I’m 1 month into it, but it still gets sore at night. I feel castrated.>>> There’s light at the end of the tunnell though, I ordered a new board, it > will be ready when my shoulder has healed (hopefully). Man I didn’t realize that there were so many injured Bros out there, kinda gives me a better outlook on things.Thanks a lot guys…Geezer.Got any advise on male pattern baldness?
forgive my assuredness . . . but been working on shoulders for 20 years . … your doc is being conservative because that’s what covers his ass . … and he doesn’t know muscle fibers like I do - by 15 I was already working on world champion surf shoulders - I know what I am talking about . … you need some heat and to untwist the fibers out - they’re wrapped around like a barbershop pole and they need to be unwound - yeah I know, sounds too simplistic . … no medical lingo . … . forgive again my cynical edge . . .am not advertising because that’s the expected response to me . . until they see I know what I’m talking about . … and I show em they never need surgery, they don’t need rest (what does rest do . … believe me it doesn’t stretch out the length of the fibers . … it just slows down the circulation and allows the fibers to contract up - muscle fibers need movement for circulation . … believe me the human body was designed to be able to swim across the ocean if need be . . mother nature’s 2002 model is the most advanced one so far . … it is just our ridiculous inability to read the machine right, our need to “diagnose” it with stupid metal machines and computers . . . rather than to investigate and heal it with a computer up to job . . .the only one up to the job . … another human body that knows how to feel - so resting it for 2 months is going to atrophy it and tighten it up . . . great therapy . … sorry that’s too extreme, but really . . . take a steam . … a sauna . … do some backward bending and neck releasing so that the traps unhinge away from the deltoids, push thru a doorway and get the two shoulder bones as wide apart and as far back as you can get them . … then reach over with your other hand . … hopefully you might have microwaved a gellular pad that you had on the deltoid and the "rotator cuff - the preferred medical lingo for all shoulder injuries . … they really love that term to sort of lop them all under it . … but alot of them can not break it down into what they actually mean . … if they can break it down and show you . . .then they know . … I know and I am 100% right . … even if you were to say to mean there was a tear in the “cuff” - staying away from using it and stretching it is the last thing that will speed it up in its healing . … I mean even hospitals now want you up and moving on anything that has just been cut or worked on . … it only makes sense . … the body is brother donkey … the more challenge it has . . the more it likes - it is a machine capable of far more than we ever allow it - so reach over with the opposite hand and grab the warm tissue of the deltoid and start turning it out and back, like a knob if you will . … then stretch again back in the doorway and get the traps down and the neck muscles stretched out in front and not contracting the shoulders in more narrower. Which is probably the beginning of your problem in the first place . … ever wonder why men’s shoulders get narrower and narrower as they age . … even thought the darn muscle is stronger than ever and capable of much contraction??? I’m in L.A. . . . or just ask me any question specifically . . if you follow what I say . i can talk you right back onto the board with some hints of how to prevent it in the future.
some good covering for it . … there actually is a bunch of different portable heat packs that can be adhered on to the area and keep some circulation going in there thru out the night . … not hot . … not I am not talking about swelling it up so it hurts more . … I am going to be lambasted by someone I know . … make that 25 years . … and most people think I am a vampire because my muscles will do the scorpion . . I am not steering you wrong here - am a dancer - dancers know . … you see them always in leather because they want the fibers always warm . . they sleep often with coverings over their feet, etc. . … there is a adhesive “Bodi Heat” product, for sale at Sav-On - comes 3 to a pack . . can be stuck ontop of a shirt worn thru out night - cheap cost for these 3 adhesive heat packs . . it doesn’t warm up at all too much - not even as much as a heating pad . . which would work as well but it plugs in and you’re automatically possibly more vulnerable to it overheating the area . . no biggie for me - but always the “cautious” advice in this legal age of take no responsibility for feeling your body - sorry . … anyway like I said . . the body’s circulation slows down the most . …about 3 or 4 am . … it can throb the most at that time . . . if it wakes you up . … put ice on it and contract the swelling on the nerves that might be causing the pain , then go back to the heat to sleep . . .actually . … you will be able to tell immediately if the nerves are cold or if they are being squeezed on by swelling of inflamed tissue . … the former means the warmth will make it feel better and that is my first bet of what to just do at night . … the later will be closer to after it has been initially injured or tweaked which is more often the case . … it isn’t an injury that really is the problem … .the problem was building up . . the shortening and twisting of the fibers was building up for a long time . … it is just something that climaxed it . … that’s the other thing . … the stuff that gets the body is not injuries . … it is the everyday wrong usage and bad posture and misalignment that makes the body sick of us - so probably with most of you guys . . it is a building up thing . … no injury per se and often not a whole lot of inflammation . . except for the fact that once the fibers are so tweaked in their length and alignment . . they start holding the joint wrong and then the blood supply and the lymph drainage gets cut down and inflammation and the congestion of crap from the diet is allowed to stick around more . … and that IS inflammation . . .in which case ice has to be used, diet cleaned up . … circulation increased to clean up the area . … and alignment and posture revamped and how the area is used should also be revamped. Don’t paddle with the head and neck contracted down . . .use more of the width of the deltoids and NOT the traps to paddle . … get your chin up off of your chest and elongate the neck in front back to its proportional length that it was at when you were a kid . … . if you just did the stuff I said so far - wouldn’t cost you but a few bucks . … and it would give you extended life of your shoulders joints and upper body. More surfing years . . don’t let anybody tell you the body wears out . … . it doesn’t . … it gets worn out by US and our stupidity and our medical diagnosis. Again . . sorry for the stern and somewhat cynical but believe me, very true . … truth.
Isn’t it amazing how much more prevalent shoulder injuries are now than they once were. Does that make anybody wonder? My shoulder hurt more every time I surfed. I thought the problem was caused by surfing and swimming… moving my arms over my head. Finally one session it felt like I had torn my rotator cuff. The doctor that I went to said that I merely had an inflamed muscle, the muscle that runs from my collar bone, over my shoulder joint, and attaches to my arm. That muscle has to pass over and through some shoulder bones. When inflamed and swolen, the muscle was incapable of passing through its normal channels. The doc merely treated the symptoms with a cortizone injection. It felt much better. I surf and swim, but not so much that these activities should haved caused my shoulder muscle problem. I started looking around for more frequent activities which I perform. I noticed that the shoulder hurt while working at the computer. The computer? Now there’s something I “work” at a lot. long story short… Neither surfing nor any other physical activity was causing my shoulder pain. USING A MOUSE without supporting my elbow was injuring my shoulder. I started supporting my elbow, and the injury went away. So I thought “I’ve heard sooooo many people complain about shoulder pain… wonder if our pain all has the same cause” I started relating my experience to other people who tried my cure. Their shoulder pain went away too. People, support your elbows while using your computer mice! You are causing your own injuries, blaming a healthy sport, unnecessarily causing yourself pain, and spending lots of money for an “expert” to tell you that you have a “sports injury”. Its stupid, but it works.
Man I didn’t realize that there were so many injured Bros out there, kinda > gives me a better outlook on things.Thanks a lot guys…Geezer.Got any > advise on male pattern baldness? Cleanlines…go to your local barber shop and get some recyled hair off the floor. Mix a hot batch of lam resin in a large bucket. Do a head dip in the bucket, and then pour the recycled hair over your head. When the resin kicks blow dry and comb! Good luck!
some good covering for it . … there actually is a bunch of different > portable heat packs that can be adhered on to the area and keep some > circulation going in there thru out the night . … not hot . … not I am > not talking about swelling it up so it hurts more . … I am going to be > lambasted by someone I know . … make that 25 years . … and most people > think I am a vampire because my muscles will do the scorpion . . I am not > steering you wrong here - am a dancer - dancers know . … you see them > always in leather because they want the fibers always warm . . they sleep > often with coverings over their feet, etc. . … there is a adhesive > “Bodi Heat” product, for sale at Sav-On - comes 3 to a pack . . > can be stuck ontop of a shirt worn thru out night - cheap cost for these 3 > adhesive heat packs . . it doesn’t warm up at all too much - not even as > much as a heating pad . . which would work as well but it plugs in and > you’re automatically possibly more vulnerable to it overheating the area . > . no biggie for me - but always the “cautious” advice in this > legal age of take no responsibility for feeling your body - sorry . … > anyway like I said . . the body’s circulation slows down the most . > …about 3 or 4 am . … it can throb the most at that time . . . if it > wakes you up . … put ice on it and contract the swelling on the nerves > that might be causing the pain , then go back to the heat to sleep . . > .actually . … you will be able to tell immediately if the nerves are cold > or if they are being squeezed on by swelling of inflamed tissue . … the > former means the warmth will make it feel better and that is my first bet > of what to just do at night . … the later will be closer to after it has > been initially injured or tweaked which is more often the case . … it > isn’t an injury that really is the problem … .the problem was building up > . . the shortening and twisting of the fibers was building up for a long > time . … it is just something that climaxed it . … that’s the other > thing . … the stuff that gets the body is not injuries . … it is the > everyday wrong usage and bad posture and misalignment that makes the body > sick of us - so probably with most of you guys . . it is a building up > thing . … no injury per se and often not a whole lot of inflammation . . > except for the fact that once the fibers are so tweaked in their length > and alignment . . they start holding the joint wrong and then the blood > supply and the lymph drainage gets cut down and inflammation and the > congestion of crap from the diet is allowed to stick around more . … and > that IS inflammation . . .in which case ice has to be used, diet cleaned > up . … circulation increased to clean up the area . … and alignment and > posture revamped and how the area is used should also be revamped. Don’t > paddle with the head and neck contracted down . . .use more of the width > of the deltoids and NOT the traps to paddle . … get your chin up off of > your chest and elongate the neck in front back to its proportional length > that it was at when you were a kid . … . if you just did the stuff I said > so far - wouldn’t cost you but a few bucks . … and it would give you > extended life of your shoulders joints and upper body. More surfing years > . . don’t let anybody tell you the body wears out . … . it doesn’t . … > it gets worn out by US and our stupidity and our medical diagnosis. Again > . . sorry for the stern and somewhat cynical but believe me, very true . > … truth. what about bone spurs in the shoulder?I had surgery on right one and soon after the left one started to give problems.(The doc said most likely spurs in that one too).Anyway,I have been doing a lot of strength and stretching routines for my neck and shoulders which seems to REALLY help.I have been surfing 2x/day with no pain like I was experiencing.As long as I do my stretching routine I find i don’t have the pain I did before,even in the left side.So I guess my question is if I keep doing this what will happen to the spur in the long run?
relative to larger, frame-supporting, muscle groups . … in this day and age of the computer and of constant driving . … whereas in the past women hung out their laundry and used their shoulders, men chopped wood and used their shoulders, etc. etc. Came back on to say the 3rd thing that will help the misalignment of the muscles of the “rotator cuff” - and Noodle is absolutely right . . … the main point is that the constant contraction and usage of the brachioradialis muscle . … in the forearm . … in men it is constantly contracting and shortening and if they don’t stretch it out, yes by almost hyper-extending the elbow backwards . … well the shortening and over-usage of those fibers . … along with the shortening and over-usage of the muscle fibers of the trapezius - (think of the over-exaggerated muscle builders pose that can be likened to “the crab” - the traps are all hunched up and contracted, the arms are curled round into the body and contracted and the forearm is contracted the most - if you look at the pose you will see it is not a pose that uses the deltoid at all - instead the traps and the brachioradialis are being used and the deltoids are diminished, and the reason why the deltoids are diminished is that the shoulder joint is being yanked forward out of its position of being used) - these two muscle groups are the ones that are used in driving and in contracting the mouse in front of the computer . … and in doing all the little small movements that we in this society do more than the large muscle movements. Add into that the fact that the cars don’t allow you to be “sat up” with your back arched and your neck elongated, most desks are too low and most people’s computer screens are too low and thus also the head is down, most homes are laid out with furniture, sinks, etc. that are too low for the size that the human being is now developing at and thus also the head is down . … . When the upper cervical and thoracic vertebrae of the neck, shoulders and middle back . … are not being arched and contracted upwards - the upper human body is not in alignment and the spinal muscles are not being contracted in the way that contributes to that alignment. Everything we do in this society goes against that, thus over-development of the “crab” muscles and the taking over of the work that the deltoid muscles (a set of muscles that turn us “out”, not “in” like the aforementioned “crab muscles”) would like to be doing. Thus the deltoids or shoulders get small and tight and pulled forward out of alignment. I guess with Noodle and the many others that he influenced, the non-support of the elbow contributed to the over contraction of the brachioradialis which would be the muscle that would be holding the elbow bent and contracted the most. Along with support of the elbow, the most important thing to do is to raise the computer screen, sit only with support underneath you, nothing that you can slump into - arch up your spinal muscles from the base of your spine and extend your neck and shoulders back. Sit like that and you will not be able to over-contract the crab muscles, but instead will be asking the body to use more of the “support” turned-out muscles. Along with that, I actually drive with my seat back completely lowered behind me, sure I get pulled over by cops asking me where is my seat back . … and yes I suppose you could say it is dangerous (yadeyade - there’s that over-cautious streak again) but my spine is arched the whole time and my shoulders and neck are up and back. And again most important, when you are paddling make sure your head and neck are not contracted down. Arch them out and use your deltoids to paddle, not your traps and your forearms. So the 3rd thing to do is to heat up the elbow and the brachioradialis muscle and to grab it with the opposite hand and to dig your thumb right into the inside of your elbow joint . … and turn back that forearm muscle. I actually heat it up enough and work the length of the brachioradialis fiber down into the forefinger where I can then “pop” out the wrist and the forefinger and lengthen that fiber out again. The elbow joint will slowly get its ability to hyperextend and stretch again, and it will not then be pulling the shoulder joint above it, down and forward and out of alignment. And again, backward bending and arching backwards of the whole spinal muscles including the neck spinal muscles . … that will get the shoulder joints turned back out again - which it probably was not mentioned - is what the rotator cuffs need in order for them to be in their proper alignment and to strengthen and remain strong over the clavicle, acromion, humerus and scapula bones that they try to keep in alignment. Yeah a little wordy . … sorry. It will work though.
- anyway that is spilt milk and not constructive . … what you are doing is absolutely right and will maintain you forever - as long as you are stretching it good and keeping the alignment “open”. Please don’t take this wrong . … but the surgery wasn’t necessary . … and the complimentary pain in the opposite shoulder was not due to spurs . … it was due to its compensating its alignment to the way that the other shoulder was being held. The right shoulder is set down and shorter and tighter into your body, than your left one. Your constant contraction of the right side and I am sure your somewhat forward bending - contributed to much less circulation in that shoulder joint. Build up of everything (think about it - we are essentially biochemical tubes - you can break us down - our tissue, our bones, etc. eventually into the main 4 elements of the earth, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Before that process happens you would break down into the biochemicals that make up your essential tissue and organ structures, ALONG WITH the biochemicals that you take into your body over the course of its life. It is a mechanical organism like all mechanical orchanisms - it isn’t so complicated as the medical establishment would often (not always, there are millions of hardworking caring medical professionals - forgive me - it is just that they are mostly trained in the disintegration of the body - they have faith and belief in the frailty of the body - they have faith and belief in these archaic procedures that supposedly are required to heal this machine - this machine that has lasted thru evolution and is by far the most advanced and streamlined computer ever created, in combination with a physical makeup that thru the process of “only the strongest survive” is capable of the most amazing feats - much much more than it is challenged in the normal usage that this particular society requires of it - these are archaic procedures - the cutting into the body is not required nor is it conducive to the organism - in the future there will be no surgery - already there are constant reports on the failure of knee surgery, spinal surgery and often hip surgery) have us believe. With less circulation in an area of contracted fibers and bones that are being held in a funny way . … the arteries, the veins, the lymphatic system . … .is relayed off track. The liquid canal system of nourishing the tissue and cleaning it out - is detoured and blocked. Buildup of wrong stuff, and no delivery of the right stuff happens. Simplistic but basically true. “Spurs”, calcium deposits, fibroid tumors with minerals and acids in them, fibroid dehydrated muscle fibers - this happens. If you hear the body screaming, its saying . … “hey you - excuse me - but I have been a good donkey for you, uh would you kindly do me the favor of not being so lazy with holding me up - and you know I have had enough of that crap you call beer - the head up there may like it, but its murder on my tissue, degrades it and inflames it, and while we’re on the subject . … at least give me some vitamins”. So you start stretching the joints and the framework of the body opens up and the circulation is replenished and eventually the tissue is regenerated . … can happen in bodies until their death . … seen a 93 year old body totally build up bone mass, muscle mass, etc. The machine is invincible and highly intelligent - it can’t believe we want to traumatize it with scalpels and that supposedly WE can come up with a better design for its joints than it was developed with??? And that what, that joint is disintegrated and no longer capable of healing itself because of what? car injury? carpel tunnel syndrome? Am not dismissing the atrocities that the body goes thru in being damaged but that is the very point - there is nothing that withstands more than the human body - nothing that is a living organism. Your two sides are different, they will always be different from about age 15 on . … .but they are intricately connected as well - screw up one side . … and often the other will have to compensate. Sure lack of circulation on the left may have deposited some crap more another “spur”. Grab an anatomy book - some of them are screwed up in where they say the ligaments actually extend to, look at the design - then look at your posture and your major joints of support. Get yourself turned out as much as possible and always, always stretch muscle fibers. Muscle fibers can do two things, contract and expand. When they aren’t doing the movement and expansion - they are contracting. No discussion - lack of circulation contributes to the shortening. When you are not moving or using or stretching . … your body is dying by contracting up. That is why we go back into the fetal position. Turn yourself “out” as much as possible and use the muscle groups in their most extended capacities - always making sure that your nucleus - your spinal muscles - are kept the strongest by their contraction. Remember forward bending does not “contract” or strengthen your spine. Right now stick your chest out and your butt out - you just “contracted” your spinal muscles - you had to “arch” your spine to do that. Arching the spine or backward bending (as in yoga) is the movement that will keep your spine strong and show you the alignment of your shoulder and hip joints. Cut down on the acid intake of your nutrients - acids are meats, sugars of refined starches, sugars of alcohol . … .or rather balance it with the alkaline foods, fruits and vegetables - these significantly nourish and allow the tissues of the body to regenerate more. All of that, along with always always questioning “diagnosis” - again forgive my rhetoric but it is true - the strongest of “cancer” survivors are chronicled as the “fighters”, the “bad patients” , the ones that don’t believe - perfect example is Lance Armstrong. Yeah he had to follow orthodox treatment … but excuse me - 4 Tour de Frances is not your typical un-challenging of the body - his body is like, “hey bring it on . … .give me more . … .just try and take me down . … .it makes me stronger!!!” Use less of your traps which are back muscles, keep em back where they belong . … hold your neck and chest up, pull in your gut so it can not grab you forward, and develop and turn-out your deltoids so they can support your upper body foundation the way they want to. You’re on the right track. Put bars to hang from in your doorways, use your living environment to stretch and use your body in. Keep surfing!
That is a great idea Tuna…should I add wax solution to the resin?
That is a great idea Tuna…should I add wax solution to the resin? cleanlines…use wax if you plan to sand the bumbs out of you head before adding the hair! P.S. the blue squeegee’s in the mail!
- anyway that is spilt milk and not constructive . … what you are doing > is absolutely right and will maintain you forever - as long as you are > stretching it good and keeping the alignment “open”. Please > don’t take this wrong . … but the surgery wasn’t necessary . … and the > complimentary pain in the opposite shoulder was not due to spurs . … it > was due to its compensating its alignment to the way that the other > shoulder was being held. The right shoulder is set down and shorter and > tighter into your body, than your left one. Your constant contraction of > the right side and I am sure your somewhat forward bending - contributed > to much less circulation in that shoulder joint. Build up of everything > (think about it - we are essentially biochemical tubes - you can break us > down - our tissue, our bones, etc. eventually into the main 4 elements of > the earth, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Before that process > happens you would break down into the biochemicals that make up your > essential tissue and organ structures, ALONG WITH the biochemicals that > you take into your body over the course of its life. It is a mechanical > organism like all mechanical orchanisms - it isn’t so complicated as the > medical establishment would often (not always, there are millions of > hardworking caring medical professionals - forgive me - it is just that > they are mostly trained in the disintegration of the body - they have > faith and belief in the frailty of the body - they have faith and belief > in these archaic procedures that supposedly are required to heal this > machine - this machine that has lasted thru evolution and is by far the > most advanced and streamlined computer ever created, in combination with a > physical makeup that thru the process of “only the strongest > survive” is capable of the most amazing feats - much much more than > it is challenged in the normal usage that this particular society requires > of it - these are archaic procedures - the cutting into the body is not > required nor is it conducive to the organism - in the future there will be > no surgery - already there are constant reports on the failure of knee > surgery, spinal surgery and often hip surgery) have us believe. With less > circulation in an area of contracted fibers and bones that are being held > in a funny way . … the arteries, the veins, the lymphatic system . … > .is relayed off track. The liquid canal system of nourishing the tissue > and cleaning it out - is detoured and blocked. Buildup of wrong stuff, and > no delivery of the right stuff happens. Simplistic but basically true. > “Spurs”, calcium deposits, fibroid tumors with minerals and > acids in them, fibroid dehydrated muscle fibers - this happens. If you > hear the body screaming, its saying . … “hey you - excuse me - but > I have been a good donkey for you, uh would you kindly do me the favor of > not being so lazy with holding me up - and you know I have had enough of > that crap you call beer - the head up there may like it, but its murder on > my tissue, degrades it and inflames it, and while we’re on the subject . > … at least give me some vitamins”. So you start stretching the > joints and the framework of the body opens up and the circulation is > replenished and eventually the tissue is regenerated . … can happen in > bodies until their death . … seen a 93 year old body totally build up > bone mass, muscle mass, etc. The machine is invincible and highly > intelligent - it can’t believe we want to traumatize it with scalpels and > that supposedly WE can come up with a better design for its joints than it > was developed with??? And that what, that joint is disintegrated and no > longer capable of healing itself because of what? car injury? carpel > tunnel syndrome? Am not dismissing the atrocities that the body goes thru > in being damaged but that is the very point - there is nothing that > withstands more than the human body - nothing that is a living organism. > Your two sides are different, they will always be different from about age > 15 on . … .but they are intricately connected as well - screw up one side > . … and often the other will have to compensate. Sure lack of circulation > on the left may have deposited some crap more another “spur”. > Grab an anatomy book - some of them are screwed up in where they say the > ligaments actually extend to, look at the design - then look at your > posture and your major joints of support. Get yourself turned out as much > as possible and always, always stretch muscle fibers. Muscle fibers can do > two things, contract and expand. When they aren’t doing the movement and > expansion - they are contracting. No discussion - lack of circulation > contributes to the shortening. When you are not moving or using or > stretching . … your body is dying by contracting up. That is why we go > back into the fetal position. Turn yourself “out” as much as > possible and use the muscle groups in their most extended capacities - > always making sure that your nucleus - your spinal muscles - are kept the > strongest by their contraction. Remember forward bending does not > “contract” or strengthen your spine. Right now stick your chest > out and your butt out - you just “contracted” your spinal > muscles - you had to “arch” your spine to do that. Arching the > spine or backward bending (as in yoga) is the movement that will keep your > spine strong and show you the alignment of your shoulder and hip joints. > Cut down on the acid intake of your nutrients - acids are meats, sugars of > refined starches, sugars of alcohol . … .or rather balance it with the > alkaline foods, fruits and vegetables - these significantly nourish and > allow the tissues of the body to regenerate more. All of that, along with > always always questioning “diagnosis” - again forgive my > rhetoric but it is true - the strongest of “cancer” survivors > are chronicled as the “fighters”, the “bad patients” , > the ones that don’t believe - perfect example is Lance Armstrong. Yeah he > had to follow orthodox treatment … but excuse me - 4 Tour de Frances is > not your typical un-challenging of the body - his body is like, “hey > bring it on . … .give me more . … .just try and take me down . … .it > makes me stronger!!!” Use less of your traps which are back muscles, > keep em back where they belong . … hold your neck and chest up, pull in > your gut so it can not grab you forward, and develop and turn-out your > deltoids so they can support your upper body foundation the way they want > to. You’re on the right track. Put bars to hang from in your doorways, use > your living environment to stretch and use your body in. Keep surfing! I have been surfing,swimming,running, bike riding,playing ball of all sorts and stretching for over 40 years.I also am very aware of diet,alternative healing, etc.The doc told me the spurs were due to constant/overuse of shoulder joints overthe years,that’s why I would have them in each shoulder.As mentioned earlier, I thought for sure surgery on the other one would be necessary, but I have religiously stuck to my exercise/stretching routine and have not experienced anymore pain in that shoulder and I have been surfing 2-3 times per day!Another thing is I have cut WAY back on red meat intake which I think has helped a lot too.Bottom line, I’m in shape,feel good and know as long as I do the right things, I won’t need to worry about another surgery on the shoulder, and I won’t worry about “overusing” them.(Better to burn out than to fade away…) Thanks for your input-I too think there are better alternaives than the knife.The real kicker is what has been cut or scraped away will just grow back anyway, so best look at other alternatives.(which is why I haven’t let them cut on my ears).
the most knowledgeable genuis healer you have access to . . … is you . . … nobody (never let anyone act like they know better) knows your vehicle better than you - since earlier I have been wanting to investigate more this “spur” phenomenon, I have been exposed to its usage for years now but there is nothing finite that the body creates that doesn’t change . . … and I truly don’t go for that overusage term . … I mean I worked on an 86 year old persons body for 18 years and there was no atrophy . . … on the 93 year old for 10 years and he was still able to change minute quantities of muscle mass, stretch his body out, etc. . . . at 93. I got to tell you though . … . his wife (these two were experts in anti-aging, lived in Europe most of their lives, then in Mexico - very continental and highly intelligent. Hung with Dr. Bernard Jensen and Norman Cousins . … .old school but smart people . . … anyway the wife . . . grew these Scotch Bonnie pepper plants in their penthouse. Beautiful little plants with what looked like tiny inch and a half wide orange pumpkins on them. Cept of course they were peppers. Shiny smooth skin like a pepper but orange. You may have seen them. This female at 70+ years of age, who still wore Chanel suits and 3 inch heels . … would have one placed by her napkin - every night at her dinner setting. This woman was about as heavy as a fly - strong as anything and sharp. In the process of her dinner she would eat the whole raw Scotch Bonnie pepper . … .and maybe express a tiny little throat clear. So he tells me to take one home . … . I get a couple and prior to putting them in the plastic bag he tells me I have to get . … I notice my fingers burn. Take it home . … start to cut into one . . . .put some of it in my 35 year old tennis pros sandwich . . … he starts eating and immediately starts to throw up . . … almost yelling . … almost hyperventilating. Hottest pepper you can imagine. Dr. Jensen told her years ago it would clean out all inflammation from her joints - all “arthritis” - all discomfort . . … heal her because of large quantities of vitamin C . . . .as well as benefit her heart. She did it. Her body was great, no stiff or clogged up joints. Toughest woman I ever saw. Sorry so wordy again . … but Scotch Bonnie pepper . … if you ever think that other shoulder needs surgery. And short of that . … am the best massage therapist you could turn to . . . . . … .hesitated but hey . . . .40 years . . … I respect that.
That makes 3 of us; I have to give the shoulder a rest for about 2 months. > I’m 1 month into it, but it still gets sore at night. I feel castrated.>>> There’s light at the end of the tunnell though, I ordered a new board, it > will be ready when my shoulder has healed (hopefully). Be careful. I’ve been dealing with shoulder problems (swimmer’s/paddler’s shoulder) for 2 1/2 friggin years now and am still sore at times but getting better. It takes along time to kick shoulder problems (surgery often makes things worse). Just when you think you’re healed and feel no pain you will go out surfing and reaggravate it then have to start the healing process all over ago. It’s a vicious cycle so give it plenty of time to heal. Good Luck.
the most knowledgeable genuis healer you have access to . . … is you . . > … nobody (never let anyone act like they know better) knows your vehicle > better than you - since earlier I have been wanting to investigate more > this “spur” phenomenon, I have been exposed to its usage for > years now but there is nothing finite that the body creates that doesn’t > change . . … and I truly don’t go for that overusage term . … I mean I > worked on an 86 year old persons body for 18 years and there was no > atrophy . . … on the 93 year old for 10 years and he was still able to > change minute quantities of muscle mass, stretch his body out, etc. . . . > at 93. I got to tell you though . … . his wife (these two were experts in > anti-aging, lived in Europe most of their lives, then in Mexico - very > continental and highly intelligent. Hung with Dr. Bernard Jensen and > Norman Cousins . … .old school but smart people . . … anyway the wife . > . . grew these Scotch Bonnie pepper plants in their penthouse. Beautiful > little plants with what looked like tiny inch and a half wide orange > pumpkins on them. Cept of course they were peppers. Shiny smooth skin like > a pepper but orange. You may have seen them. This female at 70+ years of > age, who still wore Chanel suits and 3 inch heels . … would have one > placed by her napkin - every night at her dinner setting. This woman was > about as heavy as a fly - strong as anything and sharp. In the process of > her dinner she would eat the whole raw Scotch Bonnie pepper . … .and > maybe express a tiny little throat clear. So he tells me to take one home > . … . I get a couple and prior to putting them in the plastic bag he > tells me I have to get . … I notice my fingers burn. Take it home . … > start to cut into one . . . .put some of it in my 35 year old tennis pros > sandwich . . … he starts eating and immediately starts to throw up . . > … almost yelling . … almost hyperventilating. Hottest pepper you can > imagine. Dr. Jensen told her years ago it would clean out all inflammation > from her joints - all “arthritis” - all discomfort . . … heal > her because of large quantities of vitamin C . . . .as well as benefit her > heart. She did it. Her body was great, no stiff or clogged up joints. > Toughest woman I ever saw. Sorry so wordy again . … but Scotch Bonnie > pepper . … if you ever think that other shoulder needs surgery. And short > of that . … am the best massage therapist you could turn to . . . > . . … .hesitated but hey . . . .40 years . . … I > respect that. I eat a lot of jalapenos and other peppers, so i guess i definitely give the scotch bonnie a go! thanks for all the info and feedback.
relative to larger, frame-supporting, muscle groups . … in this day and > age of the computer and of constant driving . … whereas in the past > women hung out their laundry and used their shoulders, men chopped wood > and used their shoulders, etc. etc. Came back on to say the 3rd thing that > will help the misalignment of the muscles of the “rotator cuff” > - and Noodle is absolutely right . . … the main point is that the > constant contraction and usage of the brachioradialis muscle . … in the > forearm . … in men it is constantly contracting and shortening and if > they don’t stretch it out, yes by almost hyper-extending the elbow > backwards . … well the shortening and over-usage of those fibers . … > along with the shortening and over-usage of the muscle fibers of the > trapezius - (think of the over-exaggerated muscle builders pose that can > be likened to “the crab” - the traps are all hunched up and > contracted, the arms are curled round into the body and contracted and the > forearm is contracted the most - if you look at the pose you will see it > is not a pose that uses the deltoid at all - instead the traps and the > brachioradialis are being used and the deltoids are diminished, and the > reason why the deltoids are diminished is that the shoulder joint is being > yanked forward out of its position of being used) - these two muscle > groups are the ones that are used in driving and in contracting the mouse > in front of the computer . … and in doing all the little small movements > that we in this society do more than the large muscle movements. Add into > that the fact that the cars don’t allow you to be “sat up” with > your back arched and your neck elongated, most desks are too low and most > people’s computer screens are too low and thus also the head is down, most > homes are laid out with furniture, sinks, etc. that are too low for the > size that the human being is now developing at and thus also the head is > down . … . When the upper cervical and thoracic vertebrae of the neck, > shoulders and middle back . … are not being arched and contracted > upwards - the upper human body is not in alignment and the spinal muscles > are not being contracted in the way that contributes to that alignment. > Everything we do in this society goes against that, thus over-development > of the “crab” muscles and the taking over of the work that the > deltoid muscles (a set of muscles that turn us “out”, not > “in” like the aforementioned “crab muscles”) would > like to be doing. Thus the deltoids or shoulders get small and tight and > pulled forward out of alignment. I guess with Noodle and the many others > that he influenced, the non-support of the elbow contributed to the over > contraction of the brachioradialis which would be the muscle that would be > holding the elbow bent and contracted the most. Along with support of the > elbow, the most important thing to do is to raise the computer screen, sit > only with support underneath you, nothing that you can slump into - arch > up your spinal muscles from the base of your spine and extend your neck > and shoulders back. Sit like that and you will not be able to > over-contract the crab muscles, but instead will be asking the body to use > more of the “support” turned-out muscles. Along with that, I > actually drive with my seat back completely lowered behind me, sure I get > pulled over by cops asking me where is my seat back . … and yes I > suppose you could say it is dangerous (yadeyade - there’s that > over-cautious streak again) but my spine is arched the whole time and my > shoulders and neck are up and back. And again most important, when you are > paddling make sure your head and neck are not contracted down. Arch them > out and use your deltoids to paddle, not your traps and your forearms. So > the 3rd thing to do is to heat up the elbow and the brachioradialis muscle > and to grab it with the opposite hand and to dig your thumb right into the > inside of your elbow joint . … and turn back that forearm muscle. I > actually heat it up enough and work the length of the brachioradialis > fiber down into the forefinger where I can then “pop” out the > wrist and the forefinger and lengthen that fiber out again. The elbow > joint will slowly get its ability to hyperextend and stretch again, and it > will not then be pulling the shoulder joint above it, down and forward and > out of alignment. And again, backward bending and arching backwards of the > whole spinal muscles including the neck spinal muscles . … that will get > the shoulder joints turned back out again - which it probably was not > mentioned - is what the rotator cuffs need in order for them to be in > their proper alignment and to strengthen and remain strong over the > clavicle, acromion, humerus and scapula bones that they try to keep in > alignment. Yeah a little wordy . … sorry. It will work though. Snagon, I believe you know what you are talking so I’ll ask you this, I’ve been diagnosed with chronic shoulder bursitis (fibrosis). Would your treatment suggestions apply to this condition as well? Cuff is strong. Thanks for any advice.
I’m a firm believer of the benefits of capsaicin enzymes. Many hot pepper species contain concentrations of this and it seems that it enhances how our bodies metabolize Vitamin C among other things. Seems that if I include jalepenos, serranos or our native chili petins in my diet I tend to make it past all the other infections that people get in the winter months when we spend so much time indoors. This is interesting stuff, maybe a connection to maintaining other vital body functions here. Have you ever travelled to the interior of Mexico or worked along side a native from that country and witnessed the vitality in their basic physical well being as they age?..it’s pretty convincing. This has been a great thread. Tom S.>>> the most knowledgeable genuis healer you have access to . . … is you . . > … nobody (never let anyone act like they know better) knows your vehicle > better than you - since earlier I have been wanting to investigate more > this “spur” phenomenon, I have been exposed to its usage for > years now but there is nothing finite that the body creates that doesn’t > change . . … and I truly don’t go for that overusage term . … I mean I > worked on an 86 year old persons body for 18 years and there was no > atrophy . . … on the 93 year old for 10 years and he was still able to > change minute quantities of muscle mass, stretch his body out, etc. . . . > at 93. I got to tell you though . … . his wife (these two were experts in > anti-aging, lived in Europe most of their lives, then in Mexico - very > continental and highly intelligent. Hung with Dr. Bernard Jensen and > Norman Cousins . … .old school but smart people . . … anyway the wife . > . . grew these Scotch Bonnie pepper plants in their penthouse. Beautiful > little plants with what looked like tiny inch and a half wide orange > pumpkins on them. Cept of course they were peppers. Shiny smooth skin like > a pepper but orange. You may have seen them. This female at 70+ years of > age, who still wore Chanel suits and 3 inch heels . … would have one > placed by her napkin - every night at her dinner setting. This woman was > about as heavy as a fly - strong as anything and sharp. In the process of > her dinner she would eat the whole raw Scotch Bonnie pepper . … .and > maybe express a tiny little throat clear. So he tells me to take one home > . … . I get a couple and prior to putting them in the plastic bag he > tells me I have to get . … I notice my fingers burn. Take it home . … > start to cut into one . . . .put some of it in my 35 year old tennis pros > sandwich . . … he starts eating and immediately starts to throw up . . > … almost yelling . … almost hyperventilating. Hottest pepper you can > imagine. Dr. Jensen told her years ago it would clean out all inflammation > from her joints - all “arthritis” - all discomfort . . … heal > her because of large quantities of vitamin C . . . .as well as benefit her > heart. She did it. Her body was great, no stiff or clogged up joints. > Toughest woman I ever saw. Sorry so wordy again . … but Scotch Bonnie > pepper . … if you ever think that other shoulder needs surgery. And short > of that . … am the best massage therapist you could turn to . . . > . . … .hesitated but hey . . . .40 years . . … I > respect that.
Tom, ditto the benefits of capsaicin enzymes in hot pepper species… Such awesome, tasty stuff, too! Dale