swaylocks coffee table book ...

hi Hicksy !


  my brother was asking me last saturday as we were driving south to visit sister Sue ....


"whatever happened to....."


Sways Coffee Table Book....

Posted: February 26, 2007 - 10:11pm

As surfers we all grew up with glossy magazines to ooooh and arrrrgh about, looking at our heroes in amazing situations...


It seems to me that this sort of thing has really died out (IMO)....


Who amongst us would like a coffee table book of Swaylocks own imagery, 1 or 2 pictures per page, no stories, no ads, just a sentence to describe the picture and credit the photographer.


Original pictures taken by Swaylockians, shaping, sunsets over oceans, finished boards, grinning faces, kids getting stoked, BBQs, get togethers, stuff ups....


Stiff cover, 36 printed pages...


Thinking out aloud now, send images in (High Res), mods to pick the best, get the book printed, send out all over the world, maybe get a stack put up at your local newsagent..


How much would you pay for this, would you buy something like this...it would NOT be available in Digital format...


Part proceeds to Mike for the site costs....


Thoughts, Ideas, I'll do the work, I just need some interested parties...could be an annual thingy too...Best of Sways 2007....2008....2100


Getting quotes now.....


PS: Don't tell Mike, this is our secret...



great idea. A daily surf photgraphy email i subscribe to does a run of 100 hard cover books each year. it works out at about AU$60 to buy them from him, not sure what profit is on there, but i'd assume not too much. It's pretty exxy to get a limited run of books made. but it would make a cool coffee table book.  

I've always hoped that someone would one day put together a coffe table book with photos, descriptions and dimensional details of iconic historical surfboard designs.

Enough details on each to be able to give you a decent go at making one yourself - extensive details on rockers, widths, thicknesses, rail profiles, bottom contours, fin sizes, placements, etc (you know what I mean).

I've done several of these, using Blurb.  Here's a link to one featuring some of my Cambria photos


Hey Ben, half the images would be yours. Good thing too, I would recognize the people and places. I would cough up the money for the book you describe. A definitive description of boards over the years would be fantastic but a huge effort for someone to put together.

I did try that a couple of years ago but the variation in the quality of the photos (mostly due the technology then) was too varied.

I'm happy to resurrect this project but with a few parameters.

The images should comprise a headshot of the person who made the board, pics of the board under construction, and one of it being ridden, and a short 75 word bio of the life of the board and it's builder.

All images must be 300dpi or greater.

Use a site called www.yousendit.com (free) to send in your stuff to gahicks@ovi.com 

Once I get around 150 to choose from I can create a glossy from that.

Let me know if you are interested and I'll get things happening

Hicksy :-))

hi hicksy ,


  THANKS for replying !


"All images must be 300dpi or greater"


how do we know / do that ?


I have no idea what size photo , or how  many pixels that would be ....


  cheers mate !



I could help with the design or layout if you need it :slight_smile:

300 dpi, if printing an 8x10 photo, would be 2400x3000 pixels…output from a 6 megapixel camera (depending on the camera) should be sufficient.

thanks very much cyclox , now you are speaking a language I UNDERSTAND !! ...  [ I  spent from 1983 - about 2000 printing 8x10" black and white photos in various bathroom / darkrooms in the flats I have lived in , since coming to west australia ...]


  my current waterproof digital camera is a 10 megapixel digital , so if I don't reduce the shots [as I do when I post on the blog in my signature below] it should be FINE eh ?  ....just leave 'em FULL SIZED for hicksy !


  cheers for the advice ....  digital is still fairly new to me , all the jargon and all...


hey chippy

you could sell me one one book, with sways last century gold, or this decades best…

my interest is in shaping mostly, so i dont want bbq pics, or stoked faces, just shaping, and big fat or nice clean small waves, with surfboards.

so basically shaping designing, with more words, to learn something, or share an experience or revelation…

just thinking out loud too…



good , thanks Wouter !


 I'm on much the same wavelength as you and Rowan [RDM] ...boards , dimensions , boards being surfed ...


  It may need much more than 36 pages , and more than one or two shots per page , to achieve THAT , I reckon ! [but that's just me , though...


   Cheers !

