Swaylocks from the outside?

“Swaylock’s is not actually what it likes to portray itself as (i.e. an open forum) it is actually a private club. Swaylock’s is attractive to iconoclasts like myself because it is populated with quite a few pompous types who invite heckling.”

"Swaylocks: progressing from “open forum” to “Club Inclusive”

“Swaylock’s is a club for grumpy old men. Try surfermag.com where you can say what you like and some people still have a sense of humour.”

“swaylocks is a bunch of old knowledgeable foogies”

Remember folks don’t feed the trolls and they’ll go away.

an insult I am neither a bunch or aknowledgeable.and fogie when spelled correctly is a deep and multifaceted compliment.dont be confused by the smokescreen these participants present they are really just 14year-olds trying to live out their lives with a semblence of dignity and forebearanceand I for one tear out all the editorials and articles from my surfer magazines and save the adds because surfing is all about brazillian glutes…ambrose… gotta lust for those glutes to …*

  • forbearance sure sounds cool what does it mean,really?

“MarkHeghmann from the outside?”

Hey mark, I have no bones to pick with you, but I have noticed that you do more complaining than contributing. I suggest you go back and look at your posts as I did and decide for yourself if you are contributing ideas or just being cynical. All I could find was cynicism and criticism of those who actually are presenting ideas. If you think there should be something different on Swaylock’s than that makes you responsible for starting it.

Howzit Mark, Sorry you feel that way about Swaylocks but anyone can sign up for the discussions. I guess I'm a grumpy pompous old knowledgeable foogie in your mind, but the optimum word here is "knowledgeable" and I'd rather be knowledgeable than humorous when it comes to surfboard building. Us old foogies have helped a lot of people learn the art and I for one am proud to be a member of this website.Aloha,Kokua

I guess, like everything else, it’s a matter of perspective… a trip through the archives, with an eye toward the “my first board” threads will reveal knowledgable, well thought out replies and encouragement by the bucketful. “Club inclusive” doesn’t sound bad at all by comparison to “club exclusive” anyway. Good luck to you



Yyou misundderstood my post! I DID NOT say ANY of

those things! Each quotte was written by people who have posted hhere and then complain aabout Swaylocks on other forums! Do you think their critticisms are legityimate? Maybe I should have named this thread “Swaylocks from the inside and out”?? Just my sincere quesstion using criticisms written by real contrributors to THIS forum! Thats all.

Mark I see that you are using Roy Stewart’s quotes from the surfer mag design forum.You are also quoting “Ricky C.” from the same thread.If any of the regular Swaylockians want to see what I 'm talking about got to surfer mag. designs forum and find the “Hey Roy Stewart” discussion from last week.They do a lame job hammering Swaylocks.I think I smells a rat.LOL

I don’t care about the image I present or the image of Swaylocks.

That takes care of itself.

Hopefully, the info here will help other’s who shape, are considering shaping, or who want the knowledge to make their own boards.

What you do with the info is up to you.

Yep you and me are old Foogies Kokua…along with Ambrose and LeeD.Kinda makes me proud. RB

Howzit Mark,Sorry if I misunderstood you but even though you didn’t say those things you did quote them, which is like saying “i didn’t thnk it up but I agree”. But it really doesn’t bother me because I’m just here to help. I have visited the surfer mag site a couple of times but it seems like more of a chat room. I don’t think any other website comes close to Swaylocks when it comes to board building info. WE’RE # 1. Aloha,Kokua

damn straight this is the absolute best website for surfboard design and construction. i dont see why people have a negative impression of the site. i feel that anybody and there mother could come in here and ask a question and have 10 very helpful and positive answers by the end of the day. who cares what other people think about us I for one am very thankful for everyone on here. and if people want to call me or other people an old foogy i will know that i am probably riding a better board and having more fun.

Man mr heghmann appreciate things for the good that is in them. NOTHING is perfect not me, you, swaylocks, board designs whatever

Your questions/ponderings provoke thought and that is good. But just about every regular poster here has contributed positives. And I reckon everyone is doing there best to deal with surfing and life.

Some of the egoes/social ‘in’ mentality/people trying to sell sh!t is dissappointing but these natural human occurences are everywhere/in us all and we (me included) must deal with and strive to overcome them.

As an anonymous joe I’ll be the first to say I’ve learned much more from observing here than I have the ability to give back, and for that I am appreciative. Good waves to you’s all

receive the good give a bit back if u can ignore the bad go surfing if u cant go surfing cuz of ailment then take a boat ride and watch the pelicans glide along its almost as good


Say what you will, Swaylocks is more what you make of it than most places in cyberspace.

Naysaying is much easier that reading and responding. The later two options are also far more productive regarless of what forum you participate on.

Gone Surfin’, Rich


Yyou misundderstood my post! I DID NOT say ANY of

those things!

What exactly are you saying then? Seriously, go back and look at your posts and see for yourself if you offer any advice on design. I was taught that if something seems wrong to you then it’s your responsibilty to try and change it, not to stand by the way side and criticize others. Go ahead and lead by example and show us what it should be.

I have been called ‘too young,’ ‘crazy,’ ‘insane,’ ‘stupid,’ ‘unenlightened,’ and many, many other things in my life. But to find out that I’m an "old foogie " just tops all that. Not bad for being nineteen years old. What do you think Josh? How are you feeling about being able to join old men’s clubs?

Actually, I found the bulk of the posters helpful and fairly decent here. I’ve got no bones to pick with this site and the vibes you get from the others here.

swaylocks is a godsend, i wouldnt be shaping if it wasnt for this website and i have been offered a job in a glassing factory from shaping so swaylocks is the start of a good thing

Just kidding? That’s easy for you to say after you dredged up my “old” memories of lifting my wheel-chair bound, Parkinson’s disease-ridden, grandmother into my dad’s little motorboat and then motoring down with her to offshore Salt Creek so she could swim in her memories of stroking with the dolphins many a fine summer day back when it was still cool to swim in the barnacle poop and bathing suits were more full-body covers - not that I wanted to see Grannies glutes in a “reef” butt-flosser, mind you. Then lifting her in the boat, on another occasion, so we could spread gramps ashes into the swimming dolphins, I’ll never forget that sight in a million-gazillion lifetimes, you can’t take that away from me, no sir. I’m not sure why this memory connects to you, Mark? …Besides, grumpy old men run this site, and OWN it, and help young people do something, the likes of which can’t be matched in any other form/forum - and is open for public discussion to everyone unless you piss 'em off, a la RS. What’s that? You were just quoting a Swaylock’s bashing thread on another site, oh, never mind…

Mark Heghmann is the new Ricky C.

ha ha ha ; )

Hey Mark!!

There’s something wrong with your keyboard. Better give it a rest…might fix itself…
