Been giving this some thought and checked a few things out. 1. The Outer Banks seems the logical spot as it’s centrally located even though it could mean a 12 hr. drive for some. All in favor say aye… 2. Camping: The Nat. Park site at Frisco is open through Columbus Day and is by far the most scenic place with the sites hunkered in the dunes. It’s more core camping - no services, cold showers, pretty bare bones but, a neat site. One drawback is that there’s no reservations - first come first served. : The KOA campground is a KOA. Not real camping. Pool(s), rec. room, mini-golf, etc. But it’s on the beach. Reservations o.k. Have decided to try a recon trip down for this Columbus weekend - Oct.11-13 - since I haven’t been there in a few years. If anyone might want to try and hook up down there then, let me know and we could start the process of pulling this thing together. Make it an impromptu Swayloholics East gathering… Pete.
Please check out Frisco Woods and/or Buxton Woods. They seem “in-between” the Natl. Parks and KOA and have hosted similar events. Also check Ocean Waves camping in Waves and Camp Hatteras in Rodanthe. Both get good reviews. Ocean Waves, Frisco National Park, and Frisco Woods have trees. Trees are a nice addition to OuterBanks scenery, but if it’s still mosquito season we should avoid trees. This will make sense if you’ve been to Hatteras. Rob Olliges
Pete When you are down/up? at the Outter Banks at Frisco or wherever, find out when they close and open for the season. Hot water and convience are important items for many people, along with hook ups for water, power, etc… Right now, from what I gather from the responses, Swaylocks East will be held somewhere in the Outter Banks. There are many things to concider with choosing a site. I need more info, and of course help. Keep me posted.
Pete, Let me know when you intend to come down, I’ve got a lot going on with the East Coast Military Championships coming up 20Sept. in Buxton but don’t mind trying to meet you and help scout out some of the campgrounds. Dennis
ill come ride a few.
Hey All - Am still working on setting up the trip to Hatteras - some good suggestions here to check out. Leaning towards camping at Frisco this Columbus weekend (the Nat. parksites close after that weekend for the season) but may opt for a site with hot showers - Frisco Woods?