Swayloholix '10, and ProBox inserts...

Good end of summer all - long time no post.

First  - “F” you with a carrot!  Ha!  That’s just my jelousy at not being able to make it down next week.  I’ll wear my “Free Roy” shirt in honor.

Second - my board worked well in Mex, and I’ll post pics of the fins I customized for the quad rears - they have been a mild revalation.

Third (No offence/hard feelings Chris, I know we all got lives, but your post got me itchy…) - Does any one have a high cant insert for a ProBox they would mail to me?  I want to see if I can customize my fins to fit.  PM me if you can spare one - I’ll send a self addressed stamped envelope.  Ha!  Seriously…

Fourth - I’ll not be posting as much as I’d like due to intese work load.  I would like to say once again how much I love Sway’s, and how thankful I am for the positive life changes many of you have brought to me.

OK - If you wonder… I’ll be lurking, at least… Ha!


I will see Larry before leaving.

I can grab you an insert or three, no prob.

I will give them to ChrisP and he can mail them to you in an envelope full of fiberglass dust.


I will send you a seal carkass to boil into a holistic anal rub. That will cure the beast from within.....Bitch.

F***n carrots won't be the same again without u


ha ha, sorry =P Taylor, there's an 8* insert in the mail, i swear!

I love steamed veggies with grilled beef...

Orange boards are faster...

Free Roy!

Whoops...double post.


Ah it’s good to be a Swayer (He writes listening to"At the Fence line…"


This was, I think I remember, sent by number Oneula…  “Da Kine” as they’d say. )

We’ll - If I can’t join ya, then I’ll beat it… Ha!  Anyway - More work.  And the surf’s glassin’ off… AAAaha!

Thanks in advance -

And don’t forget your carrots!
