
I’d like to glass a board with a resin swirl in the middle of the deck, surrounded by a clear band, framed by the bottems cutlap.–Like the one Bernard Farrelly is holding on the first page of the article about him in Surfers Journal.I’ll be pigmenting the lams because I like the look, and have a little expirience. Best way to do that? Bottem with cut laps first- no problem. Then: can I tape over the top cloth to outline the swirl, leaving the clear band around it to lam later?( pinstriping to clean it up, of course) Should I inlay the swirl sepparate from the clear around it? ( much work) I’ve searched and only found great advise–to other problems. Any ideas----Thanks

glass bottom and rails


tape off inlay

resin stain directly on foam

pull tape and let it kick

glass clear over it

Howzit soulstice, That's the ticket, couldn't have said it any better. The only difference is I do all resin stains before any glassing but in this case glassing the bottom first will work just fine.Aloha,Kokua

yes, kokua…but your generation had a work ethic that was actually worth something. my generation, on the other hand, expels most of its energy in seeking out new ways to be lazy (ironic, eh?). as such, i try and keep my flips to a minimum. it’s just too much work, flipping the board over again and again and again.

if only the taoist in us all would realize the value of time, and even moreso the fact that it can’t be saved…only spent (wisely, or foolishly).