
I was reading lots of posts about swirls and tomorrow i’m going try my first one(base yellow, blue swirled) 6’1" egg board!

I just need to be sure of the process…

First i mix one cup with 30 oz of resin with yellow pigment and another cup with 15oz of resin with blue pigment,then i catalize the two cups and put the blue resin in the big cup and mix 2 or 3 times.

So i put it on the stringer and near the rails,then i fold the laps to wet them, after that i squegee the resin to the dry spots…

I’m right??

Its a good way to do it??

I need some feedback…

Thank you all guys!!

Sorry about my englis!!

From Portugal…

Do not stir the two together! your mix will turn green. Add the blue to the base colour and then pour onto board covering as much as possible, but save enough for rails.Squegee out to rails. The glass/board stays the colour of the resin that hits it first, other areas will become various green patterns.

Personally I use several base pots usually white and add two swirl colours to each ( you only need tiny amounts, like half an eggcup) that way you get a bigger more interesting variety off colours/swirls/acid patterns and not as many “dull” areas.

It pays to use a different squegee for each pot of resin to avoid “squegee lines”.

Make sure to get plenty of drips over the rails before you flip them up or they will end up just one big homogeeous colour.

Howzit bargrease, Have you ever done swirl/abstracts on the foam, they come out really insane and they seal the blank as an added plus. Aloha,Kokua

Yeah, foam swirls are easier and good for taped off panels,but the extra effort and resin cost is a factor. I also worry what the rails might turn out like.

Kokua, quick question, I have never done a resin swirl but have seen the ones that Austin does (ie his posts, his site) is it the same procedure for direct to the foam? any additional steps?



Go with what Bargearse says. Somewhere out there is a video of the Austin surfboards guys doing a killer resin job.

You can check out my 7’2" in the resources.

Here’s what I did:

Tape off cut lap

Pour aprox. 1 and 1/2 quart of clear resin into a mixing bucket

Mix 3 oz dark blue and 3oz white resin into little paper cups

Make 3oz of light blue resin using the dark blue pigment and white pigment. That is also in a little cup.

Pour each cup into the mixing bucket but do not pour the colors on top of each other

Swirl using a large stick. Only go aprox 1/2 to 3/4 of the way around the bucket.

Dump half the mix on the right side of the board and half mix on the left.

Watch it go crazy and squeegee like a normal lam job or play with it and try to control the confusion.

I did the whole thing with UV catlayst poly resin. Even the dark blue. It was a very sunny day.

I’ve only done one but I’d like to do more…

Have fun


Hi there, reading this thread and seeing some of the Austin boards means my next board is going to have to be swirled, but this is completely new to me. Am i right in saying the swirl is done on the first glass layer (on the bottom and round the laps) and i guess time becomes critical if you are not using uv cure resin. Also to get a neat lap do you mask off the bottom of the board then cut your lap so that it they fall short of your masking and then when lapping paint up to masking?

Some pics of the swirl…

I like the look of it but for the next time i’ll try to get a more separated mix of colors…

Thank you guys for all the help and inspiration!

From Portugal



hey neira,

here is a link to an actual swirl video not a mexican blanket pour.



If you only stir it once instead of 2-3 times it will come out a lot more crisp. The colors won’t mud up as much. Still looks really cool. Good work.



Howzit Austin, Love the tag team glassing, is that your dad. You 2 are doing some really nice work these days, keep it up. Are you still coming to Kauai in Aug? Looks like I'll still be here. Aloha,Kokua

hey kokua,

Yea thats my dad. Thanks for the compliments. We are coming to kauai aug 2nd thru 17th. Look forward to meeting you and any other swaylockians that wanna meet up. We will be staying on the west side of the island.



Looks great!