tail rocker

Hi. Instead of throwing out my broken old 7’3" I decided to strip the glass off and reshape it. I had to take about 6" off the tail and lost a whole lot of tail rocker. At themoment it has no more than 1" of tail rocker. What kinda performane can I expect from this Brian

Stiff, is it possible to get more tail rocker?

Brian, Sounds like it could get fishy to me. You could hold the tail width and cut a shallow swallow into the tail and make it into a twin fin or something with over sized rails and a small central stabilizer for those small days when you still want to fly. Merry Christmas, Rich

Same as Rich and you could put taller more upright fins to help it loosen up the rocker and turn off the fins. I had hold of one of Tom Currens favourite boards back in 1990 for a test ride and it had 1 1/4" tail lift and 4" nose lift, went unreal!! KR http://groups.msn.com/MyKRSurf/krcomweb.msnw

Brian, A fifty-something friend of mine (insane surfer and fisherman) has told me a million times about the time Bob Kazanis (RGK) dug a piece of dragon skin deep into the rail of a 7’6" gun apparently ruining it. After some consternation and contemplation they decided to cut a wing in at the gouge and throw a swallow tail on the now six-something “fish.” The board was of course, the best board ever. Good luck.