Just a quick one Guys and Girls to say be careful out there now the first of the winter swells are upon us. I know for most of you, this time of year is what its all about, but for those fair weather summer surfers and those who have just started, take care out there. The power of some of these waves, if you not fit enough or inexperienced could quite literally drown you, and put others at risk. If in any doubht, don’t bother, there’s always another day. I say this because at the break I normally surf the first real big day kicked in at the weekend. Three surfers were rescued by the coastguard, and another two on the next break were air lifted out of the water. As far as I know, there was no harm done. Take care out there and have fun!! Now where did I put that Gun… L8ters PEAMAN
My lady told me a surfer drowned in Santa Cruz this weekend. No good.
Actually, Jeff Plucy apparently died of a heart attack at Pleasure Pt. There was a Christian Surfers contest being held that Jeff was competing in, he had ridden a nice one in, kicked out and was starting to paddle back out when he had his attack. I didn’t know Govie well, but well enough to know he was a good guy and in good shape too - I know he competed in paddleboard races. He’ll be missed. Cherish every moment folks, life’s too short.
Actually, Jeff Plucy apparently died of a heart attack at Pleasure Pt. > There was a Christian Surfers contest being held that Jeff was competing > in, he had ridden a nice one in, kicked out and was starting to paddle > back out when he had his attack. I didn’t know Govie well, but well enough > to know he was a good guy and in good shape too - I know he competed in > paddleboard races. He’ll be missed. Cherish every moment folks, life’s too > short. I did know Jumping Jeff. I saw him when he start surfing as one of the dirt farmers back 10 or so years ago. I was standing on the cliff while they were working on him. Though he did not do as well as some of the other dirt farmers, he did ok, and better them most of them. Jeff was strong, paddled from Santa Cruz to Montray. I think that is like 33 miles or so. Jeff was not a friend, but a guy to say hi to, like so many in the water. Like the man said Cherish every moment.