I got my first project going and taped off my laps, now I have tape glue that melted on bottom layer. What to use to remove the glue, without messing up the semi taky lam resin? Alcohol? Acetone? Laquer thinner? Sand paper? I’ll try and cruise thru the archives, but a little help would be great. Colin
Try acetone…then get some better masking tape!
I got my first project going and taped off my laps, now I have tape glue > that melted on bottom layer. What to use to remove the glue, without > messing up the semi taky lam resin? Alcohol? Acetone? Laquer thinner? Sand > paper? I’ll try and cruise thru the archives, but a little help would be > great. Colin Yeah, decent tape is the way forward. I was using blue 3M tape on my board, which worked a treat. But, on the last bit of gloss coating, I ran out and used some garbage that was lying around my lock up. I popped back in half an hour later to pull the tape off, and yeah you guessed it was already on the floor and some of the gloss had run round onto the bottom of the board!! What a mess!! So I guess the lesson, get enough for the job, and don’t buy crap tape!!
Aceton and some 3-m tape it is. Ididn’t want to kill the lam resin, but you say it’ll work, I’ll use acetone. Thanks! Colin
use a fresh piece of tape (any tape), put it on the goo and pull it off (pull fast). goo should stick to the tape. 3M #-233 tape, paint supply shops will carry it, not cheap.