Try bringing something to the table, besides an attitude, eh? If you’re here to learn something about surfboard building, welcome.

I try to not post negative stuff, but I’m going to on this one.

Look at his other post and you’ll see he’s a beginner.
Really messing things up with the wrong planer. I’m guessing he’s thinking using wood instead of foam is easier. That will be even worse mess.
gbzausa and Mako224, we tried, but can’t help people that already know it all.

“Try bringing something to the table, besides an attitude, eh? If you’re here to learn something about surfboard building, welcome.”
No, wholly unfair and on its head. Read my posts, nothing but openness and question asking, at no point stating I know just about ANYTHING whatsoever. No attitude neither.
Funny, I get more replies when I grow some attitude which, reading around the forum some more, I see is the only way any real discussion gets going so I tried it, and it worked. Look at the replies. haha. What a joke. Yeah, I have an attitude now, but I didn’t arrive with one. You (plural, not you personally) dragged it out of me kicking and screaming, to the point I had already decided I am outta here, way too much attitude and self-righteousness for me, thanks all the same.

“gbzausa and Mako224, we tried, but can’t help people that already know it all.” - Again, lets just take a look at what you said and analyse it fairly and accurately…

So gbzusa “tried” did he? Check the thread from start to finish dude. TWO posts from gbzusa, BOTh read “here we go again”. tell me something, how has he “tried”? What exactly has he “tried” to achieve with those two identical posts, other than pissing me off, offering no help, making a slur on me for opening a discussion he has heard before (but newsflash, I haven’t). his posts were clearly and obviously designed for the attention of everyone BUT me, the OP, the one asking the question he is “answering”. There is only ONE person his two posts on this thread could possibly NOT help, that’s me. Yet you claim he “tried”?
It’s like a hen house of bitchy little egg laying clucking feather fluffing pricks. I was only bothered by gbzusa’s childish little gybes, but since you jump into the old roost with him even when he has clearly only played a game of wind up the new guy asking innocent and humble questions of the many experienced (and many decent too) folk i here, you can easily be tarred with the same brush as far as I am concerned. Nice little flourish to the end of your mini-bullying post, “can’t help people that already know it all”. Care to qualify that? Where did I claim, or even come across as if I know it all? Why would someone who knows it all, ask questions? Explain that to me genius, if you can. No, you’re wrong, I didn’t, but it’s so much easier on the low-skilled mind to just jump behind the biggest bully, than to actually exercise fairness, accuracy and impartiality.
That’s my argument, take it or leave it. I can’t say I care which. I am long gone anyway, but just so you don’t get to throw mud at me which goes unanswered, there ya go.
Enjoy yourselves, you’re clearly a tight bunch and too tight for any new blood, hence the reason the forum appears dead and the only activity bursts into life either when someone bullies the shit out of some new guy (sometimes deservingly from what I have read, but sometimes not too) or when someone takes offence and stands up to a pathetic little moron like gbzusa and his childish little digs to wind someone up. Well you succeeded gbz, well done. Glad that I (and others) now understand your motives for posting, self-aggrandisement, bullying, self-righteousness and “heard it all before” expressions of superiority and boredom. As I said already, if a thread bores you, you have the right to feck off and not take part. But you just can’t do that can you? Can’t have a conversation going on without your little bit of utterly useless but ill-motivated shite thrown in can you? Hence the reason I am sure you crawled out of the abortion bucket and probably have to check the mirror five times a day to see how beautiful you are. Get a grip dickwart. You’re a cuntt of the highest order, and I bet you’re a lonely one too. Ha ha. Hope you get the same response next time you bait someone asking well-intentioned questions of some of the experienced folks on here, if anyone ever does again. The way it’s looking, that seems unlikely, and you will probably sit fidgeting until the day someone new turns up again to brighten your day and give you a new target for your arrogant BS.
Plenty other forums out there, I should have followed my gut when I read the many posts I first read on here, loads of fantastically useful and insightful information I must admit, but sadly interspersed with occasional but regular gybes from insecure little armchair egg-spurts like you. Smile, you won, one less forum member.
To all others who have been extremely helpful to me in my short-lived membership, THANK YOU. I have certainly learned quite a lot while here, but I don’t suffer fools easily and I can get the information with far less baggage and attitude attached elsewhere.

You rejected all the advice given. You are like others who won’t listen to advice. Maybe it would be better for you to leave or stop asking for help.

Shapaholic…Is that you??? Has the maker of the Magic Turd returned?

Wow is that rant Toxic !

That’s whats got me thinking its Shapa returning to troll.

I tried not to comment. But to be fair, I will.
First JS is way too coherent and writes too well to be Shapaholic. That is obvious.
Granted, this topic is/has been a dead mule at Sways.
JS first asked a few simple/harmless questions.
MS and SC repsonded initially with reasonable and innocuous comments.
Beyond that, the others were a bit snarky.
No further comment was/is needed, from all parties.
Leave it alone and the thread will (would have) die(d).
Anything more is flaming and perhaps trolling – by all.
And to keep things honest, I have not seen anything that would suggest tehcnology development that is any more eco-friendly than pu, eps, pe, epoxy etc.
Agave contains oxalate crystals.
Balsa is about as sustainable as it is going to get for now.
