Hello everyone. I just graduated from college and have become interested recently in teaching abroad. Does anyone know of good teach abroad programs where there is good surf? I am very interested in teaching English in Japan, and I would like to be near Chiba because I know there are waves there. Does anyone have surfing experience in Japan? What are the waves like? Are there sharks?
sharks arre food
in the far east
more people than sharks
theres a website for teaching engalaisch
in asia…
good gig
these guys place ya!!!
my daughter is in taiwan!!!
doin dat wit know credemtials
chew god dem credemchiales
chew are de man wid da plan in front of the clan
its a funny word like teia
teaching english in asia
and its hooked up with these surf shops / hotels
i’ll try yo get/remember the info
good gig
How timely…
In an hour, I’m taking my daughter to the airport…
She is on her way to Japan…
She recently graduated from the UW…
She has been hired by the Japanese Gov. to teach English to middle school students in Himi…
They hire a lot of recent grads…
It’s through a program known as JET…
JET office in Seattle:
601 Union Street, Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: (206) 682-9107
Fax: (206) 812-5971
Email: jet@cgjapansea.org
Japan does get good surf…
Good luck…!!!..
Told ya Tube rider. Surfed with your dad this Am.
Thanks for the information!
Thanks for telling me about this site…how was Malibu this morning? I may go to Huntington tonight and watch the finals of the U.S. Open tomorrow.
Sounds like a great experience. Thanks for the information about JET. I’ve heard of JET before and have a friend who is teaching through that program. I will definately check it out.
kinda weak and crummy…but beautiful sunrise and warm. Had fun riding the 9-5 PG stringerless.
haha come to australia. teach from 8:00AM till 2:30 pm.
It gets sunlight at 6am and stays light till atleast 5 if not 9pm in daylight saving season. plenty of time to surf.
I lived in Japan for 5 years and surfed all over. You can easily get away with surfing everyday if you don’t get caught up in womanizing and drinking which is prevalent in the ex-pat community over there. In my opinion Chiba is not the best place to live because you could be up to a couple of hours to the beach or work. Do your homework on everything before you go there from the town you may live in to employment prospects. The gaijin gravy train has derailed but there are still good finds out there if you spend the time to look for them.