Teardrop -- Paul Jensen

Paul, What a clean looking board. The asthetics of it blow me away! I have never ridden anything like that. Can you describe the way it rides? What is the impact of your fin set-up? Nice fins too by the way. Everything just works – just like a good piece of art does. Magoo

def. a sweet board. i love seeing all the diff. designs and ideas on this site. i might be trying this one paul. keep mowin’… …

Paul, Back in '69 & ‘70 I had a 6’9" that was similar to this shape. Not as wide and a single fin of course. The board was alot of fun but I finally gave up on it in waves of any size. I wish I still had it as it was a step in board evolution. The outline of this board is reminesent of the foil of a fin. And if you reverse the outline it is very much like that of a modern shortboard. I’ve always like to step up forward on a board to accelerate and this outline certainly does that. I found that the Apia stinger shape was far more responsive and allot faster. I held on to that one but the teardrop shape has a certain charm about it I must admit.The triple stringer are a wonderful touch. Well Done! The board will be allot of fun and fin setup suit is perfectly. Good Surfin’, Rich

Paul, Will you share the rocker and bottom configuration? Best, Rich

Paul,>>> Will you share the rocker and bottom configuration?>>> Best, Rich …Yea, I’ll try to update the archive info…I’ll let you know when it’s up… …Wait till you see the 12’er that I’m sanding & glossing…Ahwooo… Paul