teen choice awards/surfboard

What do all of you folks think about this awards show giving away surfboards for a trophy at the “Teen Choice” (?) awards? Who’s got THAT contract? (da instigator!) …(smells like teen spirit…not!!!).

What do all of you folks think about this awards show giving away > surfboards for a trophy at the “Teen Choice” (?) awards? Who’s > got THAT contract? (da instigator!) …(smells like teen spirit…not!!!).My wife came in screaming about Steven Tyler winning a “Teen Choice Award”,and that it was a surfin’board ,but who??? My guess wouldbe one of THE BIG three ,Rusty,Merrick,or Stewart.Herb.

My Guess is they are NOT real boards anyway. I didn’t look long at the show, but I don’t remeber even seeing stringers on those things…possible they are just plastic or something?

i saw a picture in the paper of Jennifer Lopez accepting one of these awards. it was a surfboard allright (for an 11 year old). gotta say i loved the nice wide tail on it, uh, her…

i think it was an “aloha”, maybe the producers got the COSTCO discount.


Estero Bay Surf Club used to (still does?) have an award ceremony at the end of every school year where prizes (including a surfboard, wetsuits, etc.) were awarded to the student/surfers with the top grade point averages. All the main shops in the area donated items. I thought it was a good idea - still do. What was the incentive in the program mentioned above - to wear revealing outfits? How the heck did J-Lo win and what does she plan to do with it?

What do all of you folks think about this awards show giving away > surfboards for a trophy at the “Teen Choice” (?) awards? Who’s > got THAT contract? (da instigator!) …(smells like teen spirit…not!!!). Tom Nesbit, the owner of Morning Glass (a laminating factory) and shaper/designer of Nezzy surfboards made all those boards. They’re all 5’8"s but they are 100% real surfboards. Even have finboxes and everything. One of those teen starlets who won one even sent Tom and the crew at morning glass a picture of her in the water with one of them. Needless to say, it’s a very nice contract to have (Hollywood productons DO NOT pay late, or complain about prices once they’ve been negotiated) and has led him to have contacts to make a lot of other prop/stunt boards. His regular surfboards are really nice too, and he’s starting to gather a crew of hot rippers (mostly in the Oceanside area) http://www.kklmachine.com

I saw one of the Wayans bros throw his board on the stage and do a jumping belly slide onto the board with no fin breakage. Holy crap! I don’t know if my work would pass THAT test. My hat is off to the fin glasser!

TYLER…(and the rest of you all)…thanks for the full skinny! Aloha, T.