Template radii

No . I use spin templates to create a plan shape to a given set of dimensions on the blank…the spin templates are a tool , that create a curve that doesn’t need fairing . I haven’t made any new ones for years.


Yep. Parabolics

I love the tricks discussed in this thread:


This is all math in it’s purest form.

Great discussion guys!

Hey pirate,

My eye just isn’t good enough.  I have to use rocker templates.  But what my eye can’t see, I can feel on the first turn.

Yorky, you have no idea how right you are.  Such a buzz! 

i measure rocker in 4 descriptions: flat, medium, curvy, flip/kick

have never felt the need to draw a series of perfect radii to join together to make the rocker curve I want. instead i have an idea of what curve I want in the board and when it looks right it's done.

You’re a funny bunch of guys. I love it. I’m on the case, it might take a me a day or two. Thanks for the numbers.

I hope I wake up one day and don’t care if I can make a board or not, because I’m going surfing. Thanks Yorky, measurements are a good thing, and so are variations in order to blend the curves.

What did Einstein say?

I no expert, just passionately curious.

Enjoying the thread and your comments.



And, I bet you get a bigger buzz then many a seasoned pro.

“I make boards so I can make boards so I can ride waves”

All good. Carry on. :slight_smile:


hahaha, good comment ES, and one I relate to!

Yorky, you are kind of right.  To shape the board, is the curve more than numbers.  I posted them because Malaroo asked for them, and while you don’t need the exact measurements to design, it makes it easier to talk about.

But on the other hand, I need a certain number of square inches of planing area.  So I have my “check numbers”  Not as a rule, but as a guide.

And you are right about one thing.  I really don’t know how to shape a surfboard.  Every time I pick up a planer, I wonder if I’m about to screw up a perfectly good blank.  Some count their boards in the thousands, some in the hundreds, I think I’m up to about 15 by now.  But they seem to look o.k. when they are done.

Not saying you cant make a very nice board :slight_smile:

All good




So many numbers.

Dont take this the wrong way, you don’t need em. Cause one day you’ll wake up and realise 'you don’t really know how to SHAPE a surfboard.

But thats ok, because 95% of ‘shapers’ these days can’t anyway!


Length 7’-8"



  • 11 1/4"
  • 1'-5 3/8"
  • 1'-8 1/16"
  • 1'-8 11/16 midpoint
  • 1'-8 1/16"
  • 1'-5 11/16"
  • 1'-1"



  • 6"
  • 2 9/16"
  • 13/16"
  • 1/8"
  • center
  • 1/8"
  • 9/16"
  • 1 7/16"
  • 2 13/16"

The hot coat is curing tonight


OK. I’ll do baseline and measurements. I had a good look at all your diagrams. I can’t decifer the dimensions on your rocker diagram … too. small. I really tried. zoomed in, etc. Can you make the dimensions bigger? Also give us a width, I need a width to do my method. I couldn’t draw your pintail from the dimensions you have listed. Did you draw the outline in separately? Nice board, Nice blending of curves.

The diagram I did is done to the dimensions of your PinTail board.

Cant tell without a baseline and measurements.  Look on page 4.  I posted a semi gun rocker that works well.  Something about rocker, and is 3/8" important.  It depends where the 3/8 difference is.  3/8" difference in entry rockers isn’t that much of a difference.  3/8" in the tail is more critical. 

But what is really important is 3/8" difference over what length?  3/8" difference in the overall board isn’t nearly as critical as 3/8" difference in the last 2’ of the tail.

I hope this picture uploads!

Oh No! NO image, try again.

I was curious so I did this comparison. Is it worth the difference?


Tried to buy masonite this week at 2 hardware chains. Say they don’t stock it in full sheets anymore. Settled for MDF.

Hitting numbers for me took a turn when I realised that I could widen the tip of the board by up to 1/2" without affecting aesthetics. The 1/4" on either side of the stringer really helps when you’re trying to force a curve through points. There’s more play in the tail, especially if you have a rounded pin.

But what do I know. I loft all my curves electronically and cut em on a CNC in my shed.



Add RATIO into the mix and there are no bouneries.