Hi there, Next time when laying out templates think about the widest point or the transition point usually half way on the board. This area is critical in tubes and long arc turns. Maybe some of you have noticed when your`e using full rocker flat out on a bottom turn beating the lip or making the section you get this twitchy in and out of the nose as it pivots off the widest point in your rail line. So to get rid of this you add 4"-6" of PARALLEL SECTION. When you draw your plan shape where you are positioning the widest area draw in a pair of lines 4"-6" (more for longboards) parallel to the stringer and then blend draw your tail and nose template into this section. This will make your full rocker turns more fluid and decisive and riding in tubes simpler. Cheers !! http://www.geocities.com/wunderboyi/ninetysixpercent.html
What the hel are you talking about you idiot, have you looked at your Peenguin!!! It is a fricken joke…where are these parrallel lines!!! Your boards look like they belong in an adult bookstore…jack ass!!
At least he is trying something different and stepping outside of the lines. Maybe he’s got something. There seems to be a lot of theory behind his design and he appears to know what he’s talking about. As my good ole buddy A’stotle said, “It’s the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Just because his boards don’t follow the standard formula of the ones you are pumping out doesn’t mean that he is in the wrong. Try it out, give it a chance. (Although I peeked at the specs on shaping one of his penguins and there’s no chance in hell that I’m up to par on my abilities to make one). Good luck.
I should have spelled it out, that “tip” was meant for your conventional boards, which I still enjoy to shape. If youre ever in Scotts Head Australia you
ll find a couple down there. Last few months I built a bunch of longboards with multi stringers and tail blocks, they go sweeett !! I will try and post a couple of shots of them for yas at the web site. And yes the FP has a parallel section, lift at low speed from the wings, lift at high speed from the concave, twin rockers, bow wave return flow which is encouraged to explode under the tail into a defined triangular section that also has high recess for extra rocker. The board incorporates the dynamics of Benoulies principles, Lombards theory, Newtons laws, to name a few. What does all this prove you say. Well it proves that you can redifine parrameters to achive a purpose. My purpose being when I was 19 the Head shaper for Gordon and Smith in the little known days When Terry Hamil operated the place 1967 - 69, that my boards were limiting my expression on the wave face they all had limitations. This prompted me to enquire and discover. In these days I was riding 7'2" boards with single fins, I designed them from a crossection off a spitfire wing that I mirror flipped to make my template and then rounded the nose a bit. Build one of my boards and discover for yourselves make them 8' if you want. Keep an eye on this one, its the one I
m giving away, wait till you see the next design !! http://www.geocities.com/wunderboyi/ninetysixpercent.html
Ok…I get it, conventional boards. Hey, does the girl come with the Penguin!!!