Don’t let your dimensions dictate the curve, let the “perfect” curve dictate the dimensions! This is the dirty little secret of all really good shapers.
it sounds ilke the dimensions don’t fit together well when your streaching it out, when you think about it the width of the nose and tail are staying the same, and the middle is the only part thats being able to change shape. I think thats it.
Take piece of graph paper, or tape two or three of them together.
Let a square be equal to two or three inches and mark the nose width, tail width and wide point on one side of the center line. Now sketch the outline of one side of the board and let the lines flow in nice continuous curve. Next fold the paper on the center line and cut out the full outline of the board with a good pair of sissors in excellent light. Sit back and look at it and if it doesn’t look right do another, and another and another until you have an outline you like.
Transpose the measurements off the graph paper on to the blank. They’ll be close enough get you an excellent start. Use them as a guide to getting the outline you want using templates if you have them or good vertical grain batten.
The final numbers are immaterial. The way the line flows is.
Thank you, Mr.Thraikill! That was one little secret I needed to know. This garage builder has made too many boards with little flat spots in the curve from trying too hard to blend template curves into numbers. I’m a plodding type of learner. Mike
Here is the best secret more the non-computer templateer. Do as stated above with the graft paper. I make a 1’ = 2’ template. I the take it to a large scale copier like the ones a Kinko’s and I have them copy it at 200 percent. Bam, there is my template. Good luck.
The man has a handle on it. I 'm going to paint that “curve dictates the dimensions” quote on my shaping room wall. Well said Bill. A nice limber sailboard batten will connect those dots. McDing