I’d just like to say thank you to all that contribute to this forum. With out all your guy’s input here there’s no way I would have finished this board. I spent many hours lurking and searching the forum for advice on different aspects of shaping and glassing. I messed up a lot of things on this board and it was definitely a learning process. But she’s done and I can’t wait to get her in the water tomorrow! Thanks again to everyone who contributes here, I couldn’t have done it with out you guys!
The board looks good! I used a similar approach: read up everything I could find, and then just went for it. Made lots of mistakes, but struggled through, and got my first board under my belt. And just kept going! I’m not fast or prolific, after 6 years I’m working on #22. But its been a lot of fun, and a lot of education, and I owe an awful lot to this site also!
I even chose a similar shape for my first board, still have it too.
Looking forward to seeing more from you in the future.
Give him some points, boys!
Points given. As a first effort, you should be proud of it. Keep it, so that some day you can look back, and see how far you’ve come. My first effort was crude by comparison.