For kicking off the “memorable threads” category fo the the resources. That was a truly funny thread. I’m gonna do some tweaking so that people can see who submitted the record. In the meantime others can visit the thread by going to the link below.
For kicking off the “memorable threads” category fo the the > resources. That was a truly funny thread.>>> I’m gonna do some tweaking so that people can see who submitted the > record. In the meantime others can visit the thread by going to the link > below. That was a great string.I was at Clay Bennet’s shop a while ago and I saw some tailblocks that he made from Herb’s “doo it yerself filler” and they looked really nice…kinda like marble.Thanks Mike.
That was a great string.I was at Clay Bennet’s shop a while ago and I saw > some tailblocks that he made from Herb’s “doo it yerself filler” > and they looked really nice…kinda like marble.Thanks Mike. \ …Thanks,guys,that is one funny thread.I still use the stuff(ing),I found that you can mince it up ,well with a Krups coffee grinder.This drastically reduces that marble look…working on some new stuff,including a board design. …Happy Hollowdays from Herb