That old look...

Have any of you thought of, or actually made a board that was glassed with a very slight yellow / amber tint in the resin to simulate an aged look? I’ve been thinking about doing this on a longboard to simulate a retro style, but wondered how. Would this work in the lam or hot coat? Thanks.

Grant, did you see my post below? I got the yellow look without evan trying. I think also that Volan glass is amber /yellow compared to regular glass. Good luck, Scott.>>> Have any of you thought of, or actually made a board that was glassed with > a very slight yellow / amber tint in the resin to simulate an aged look? > I’ve been thinking about doing this on a longboard to simulate a retro > style, but wondered how. Would this work in the lam or hot coat? Thanks.

Have any of you thought of, or actually made a board that was glassed with > a very slight yellow / amber tint in the resin to simulate an aged look? > I’ve been thinking about doing this on a longboard to simulate a retro > style, but wondered how. Would this work in the lam or hot coat? Thanks. Even easier, before glassing let the blank get however much sun that is required to get the correct shading of old age. I use this technique on balsa, as it is photo active also. Letting it age in the sun turns the balsa a creamy yellow rather that the snow white look it has before. Many woods are affected this way. Jim.