Once again, it’s that time of year again…!!!..
Time to look back on 2008 here at Swaylock’s…
Copy and paste and fill in your answers… Don’t hold back…!!!..
The categories are… (but not limited to)
The Laugh Out Loud Thread:
Most Informative Thread:
Best Photo Thread :
Worst Photo Thread:
Most Annoying Topic:
Person Whom I’d Like A Board Shaped By:
Most Likely Not To Get A Board From:
Home Depot Gift Certificate Award:
Most Creative Person:
Most Informative Person:
“Can I Watch Over Your Shoulder” Award:
Mr. Know It All:
Most Poetic:
Most Eco-Friendly:
Most Wise:
Most Helpful With Website Issues:
Most Inspirational:
Most Well Rounded Swaylockian:
Most Humble:
Lest Humble:
Best Avatar:
Worst Avatar:
Best Quote:
Grom Most Likely To Succeed At Being A Professional Shaper:
“Call Me and Let’s Talk” Award:
Funniest Person:
Nededs To Get A Funny Bone:
Innovation In Fin Design:
Most Unusual Board:
Person Whose Video / Magazine Collection I’d Want To Copy:
“Let’s Go On A Surf Trip Together” Award:
Who’s Quiver I’d Most Want To Raid:
“I’ve got more posts than you !”:
“My stick is bigger than yours !”:
“I just spent the last 1/2 Hour digging agave splinters out from under my fingernails.”:
“I know I’m right, because the laws of physics are wrong.”:
“This board only took me about a year to finish.maybe longer but who’s counting”:
“Thanks for loaning me your tools, resin, glass, sand paper, templates, and shaping bay.”:
“Hey ________, maybe, for your next go you should try to use a template and come calipers.”:
Best Short Board:
Best Long Board:
Best HWS Board:
Best Compsand:
Biggest Hype:
Best website outside of Swaylock’s:
Most Improved:
Best Swaylock’s Event: