The Boardroom Show @ Del Mar

All the usual suspects were there, and then some.      I was most impressed by…drum roll…an SUP !      A twin hull, mini catamaran.     Quite well executed, and well designed.      Saw several familiar Swaylockers there, as well as some old industry buddies too.     All in all, a fun time.

EtherealProdigy was one of the invited shapers.

Wish I could have gone…

Was the SUP similar to the one from ACheataux’s thread from years ago?


Whitney was the first one ‘‘at bat’’ and did a nice job.   I don’t recall the SUP you mention.      The one at the show appeared to be of ‘‘clam shell’’ construction, much like a small boat.     But, as I stated, really well executed.     Very good workmanship.      Good eye appeal.


Bill, it was nice to see you again and if you didn’t catch it, that crazy tar and feather looking thing we were looking at in the morning was an all agave made board by linden.

Chrisp - I think the sup bill is taking about was from these guys - could be wrong though.


anyone see / make / buy one of these ?

Not to take away from the Boardroom show… I have a copy of a newspaper article showing a man using a standamaran. The date reads 1878.


Come on  guys.  This is Swaylocks.  Don’t buy it,  Build it.  Ask lot of questions and do a little reverse engineering.

There is a guy here in Florida that built a CAT-SUP a couple of years ago. The damn thing is fast and very stable in choppy water. He was out yeasterday in the gulf going into the wind with a 1 foot wind chop. I was on my displacment hull SUP and he blow me out of the water. Catamaran Sups are great for flat water but not great for use in surfing. That is a good thing for most line ups. I do love getting out on a SUP I just don’t see anyneed to surf one with other surfers around.  He now has come out with a fishing Cat -SUP. I was working on a Cat-Sup untill my lovely neighbors had lawyers send letters threatening lawsuits  

Johnmellor, That just shows that there is nothing new under the sun.

GRR this one got me…“my lovely neighbors had lawyers send letters threatening lawsuits” My new neighbors ARE lawyers can not wait for the knock on the shaping shed door…It is my 100 year old wooden beach shack vs their new stucco monstrasity money always wins…Sorry back to the show I did not go again.

Yes…behind the factory were greenhouses and never a squeak from the owners, then it was sell out to the builder who built a half dozen 3 million $ “homes”. Earlier this year I came to work to the sound of chain saws, what was outside my shaping room and wood shop ? a crew of gardeners scalping the eucalyptus trees and sending 3" diam. torpedos onto my blanks I keep out back. I told the “tree experts” to get the fuck off the property and got the # of the “home owner”, he said send me a bill and the forktards didn’t even clean up the mountain of limbs. A few weeks ago the sound of chainsaws started again, a call to the sheriffs stopped them as they needed to be licensed tree trimmers, not gardners. As the deputy spoke to us about stopping them, their saws started up again, he headed back to them, we haven’t heard from them again. The trees were bothering the views.

It is the same old story, we love this place, only if it was like where we came from, now go back there

If they were cutting down trees that were not on their property The homeowner will owe a lot more then paying for damaging your blanks.  He now owes the cost of replacing the trees.   I recall a case in Solana Beach that a homeowner wanting an unobstructed Ocean view cut down a couple of trees That he claimed were on his property. He was wrong He had to pay for replacing fully grown trees.  Something like $10,000 per tree. 

Same thing happened in Carlsbad some years back.  Property owners of a parcel located 4+ miles from the beach cut down several trees located on City land in order to improve their “view”.    They got caught and landed themselves in big trouble.  

All too familiar stories. They come “here” to get away from “there”. Then, they proceed to try and make here just like there. Back in the 70s a local jokester had t-shirts made that read “We don’t care how they do it in New York”.

As to tree cutting? There was a case where a selectman in a nearby town paid an arborist to not only cut her trees without a permit, but also cut trees on an adjoining parcel. The saddest part is that she is a descendant of the first inhabitants and a member of the native tribe. You’d think her lineage would impel her to be more mindful of the land. Guess not.

Tell me about it.  We’ve got lots of “They” in Oregon.



…ummmm …


  the boardroom show at del mar ?


  anyone get any photos ?


  have any interesting boards ?


 any interesting design conversations ?


  what was your favourite thing / board / fin[s] , there ?


  who shaped ?




Doesn’t really seem to be much interest here on Sways.  Maybe because everything being done here on Sways was also being done by Lost and others.cork, XTR etc.

no photos ?

Two of surfing’s famous living Tom’s.

Notice Curran’s choice of footwear.