Read an article today that after the local TV station did a report on this, a local surfer called to say, that “someting wasn’t right” about the story. The state park rangers want to interview the guy and examine the board for evidence and the guy is suddenly hard to locate. Also, his friends who had originally said they witnessed it, are changing their story too.The picture that I saw, has no clear bite mark( the edge of the bite mark has a wierd shape, not like teeth). Also, the fins are missing (he said the shark broke them off) but there’s no damage to the fin boxes, and the board is buckled (looks like someone stuck it in a bumper and snapped it).
I watched the report… hard to beleive that a guy that size could surf. In a wetsuit, the guy probably would have been mistaken for a great whites’ favorite food - elephant seal. He put the board on Craigslist and then took it down after the suspiscions started.Sounds like he faked it to make a buck.
Yah. The whole thing sounds like bullshit. I was “surfing” a bit up the beach from him that morning. 1 foot and a dropping swell. “Breaking” in chest deep water. I use the terms surfing and breaking loosely. Barely surfable. I ended up WALKING in it was so bad. I would be very surprised if a 15 foot, 1500 pound fish can get under you in 3 or 4 feet of water. That being said. The bait is abundant, the food web has moved in big time. I watched 15 or so humpbacks in a feeding frenzy 3-400 yards off the beach on Sunday. It looked like a fountain show or something. Never seen anything like it. Be careful out there, girls. Mike
My shaping bay podna is a lifeguard with the parks. My understanding from him is that the park rangers were dubious about the veracity of this report from the start, and now KSBW seems to be doing everything it can, short of drawing attention to its own clueless reportage, to acknowledge that all signs point to hoax. What’s weird, as Sean Van Sommeran (un-diplomaed shark expert in this area, but responsible for tagging many of the GWS’s that have tags) noted in KSBW comment entries, is that a supposed marine biology grad reported another incident the next day. I will add that nobody on the inside track seems to doubt the veracity of the supposed marine-bio Seabright (near Harbor Mouth) seal-attack incident, other than that it was reported on the heels of what seems likely to have been a hoax. A connection that works at O’Neill shop seems to confirm that someone saw a bitten seal carcass right around this same (Harbor Mouth-related) time – an unreported corroboration to the second incident.