the death of surfoils

I suppose we could all sit around and ponitificate until we were old men heade for our death beds. 

Since I have a lot of life left in me and a pile of orders tacked to my shaping room wall, I will be brief.

People wouldl rather grab a bodyboard.

They don’t hurt as much when they hit you, are harder to ding, and float just fine.

They’re flexible and offer up some interesting approaches to riding a wave. Just ask Tom Morey.

Morey has been there, done this, done it better for cheaper.

I suggest you take an example from the best professional athletes in the world:

Develop a very short term memory so you can forget a momentary defeat and focus on to the next ball being served up.


coming from somone who is prepaired to steal others designs

i say serves you f###king right




Huie had sent a template to someone who lives closer to me, I asked that person for a copy who said they would check if it was OK with HUie, Huie asked me for money. I said no thanks. That was all.

So now Im a thief.


huie] you'd take one for free , without asking the designer , but aren't prepared to pay for an original at a "cost" price to cover the materials and postage ?......this is a very common problem......if someone decides to share be thankfull, because there is never any obligation to do so......

[quote="$1"] you'd take one for free , without asking the designer , but aren't prepared to pay for an original at a "cost" price to cover the materials and postage ?....


For the third time....I asked the guy if I could get a copy, he asked Huie.

 Huies been asked, the designer was consulted, he knew.

 There was no attempt to 'take' anything without permission.   I shouldve explained that I was after an Egg template from a guy in the US and not Huies, but I went to the wrong thread, thats why I had no intention of paying for anything of Huies.

.FFS, You need to read whats written over and over again and absorb at least a little amount.

It's quite possible that this thread could become a discussion about  "intellectual property" , and at what point does "sharing" become simply giving away valuable intellectual property ? There's a lot of valuable knowledge out there in the public arena , and that belongs to everyone , but,   where is the line in the sand ?  ....worth a comment in this "computer age " maybe......

 You were happy to take my money but only until i said no and then youve been wronged.

 kayu, where did everyone get their first template from or technique for glassing ? Is everything original or did they come from someone else ?  And who gets paid for their original ideas ?? 


Maybe that's the the point Surfoils.  Is anything innovative anymore ?....have we reached the point where the need for improvement has been lost ?.....if that's the case , then skill is being devalued and taken for granted.....what then ?......

Where did everyone get their templates, etc? Well I made my 1st one from a curved stick, an 11" nose in 76', quite a few years b4 Geoff did a narrow nose and every single board I have done since has been from that curve. I lost count at 20,000 handshapes a few years ago, so dont think everyone copies or needs popouts, they have their place but you are way out of your depth here.

25,000 Handshapes x $100 per shape = $2,500,000

35 years = $71428.57 per year pre tax

Minus you Tax Base of $24.683.57

$46,745 post tax

$898.94 Take home pay weekly

$179.79 Daily after taxes

2.75 boards per day

Assuming you take week-ends off?


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These rates apply to individuals who are Australian residents for tax purposes (see Residency - what you need to know for more information).

Tax rates 2011-12

The following rates for 2011-12 apply from 1 July 2011.


**Taxable income** **Tax on this income**
0 - $6,000 Nil
$6,001 - $37,000 15c for each $1 over $6,000
$37,001 - $80,000 $4,650 plus 30c for each $1 over $37,000
$80,001 - $180,000 $17,550 plus 37c for each $1 over $80,000
$180,001 and over $54,550 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000


The above rates do not include the Medicare levy of 1.5% (read Guide to Medicare levy for more information).

The above rates do not include the Flood levy (read Flood levy information for individuals for more information).


that sounds impressive doesn't it, well when it comes down to it,it's all I know and lets go for 25,000, hardly ambitious, H. because you should be our union guy , with those figures, how about lost count at 50 trips, and barrells and beautiful chicks, countless surreal moments, a beautiful , sometimes troubled life, that has plenty of miles left, plenty.and every board will still come from that 1st curve, garuanteed.


Revised above post from 20,000 to 25,000 units

oops, double post

Im reading this post i know that I should keep my big mouth shut, but being the convict that I am I cant.  I count it a honour to know huei and cant wait to get down to see him and his missus real soon, she has been a godsend to me in helping me deal with a particular difficult time in my life as a parent, she is almost like a second mum to me in the knowledge she has passed on to me and my wife and I are in her debt.  Huei has helped me more than anyone in following my dream of shaping boards for my boy in the hope that I might be able to teach him down the track as he is not suited to school at all, I hope to teach him a little bit of  knowledge that will really help him find work in the industry, as at age six he can already sand a board dead flat with sandpaper after I do some plane work on it, he loves working with his hands, god bless his little cotton socks off.


The point of what Im saying is you dont f### with those feed you.  You treat them with the respect they deserve, my old man taught me this and I hope to teach this to my boy.  I understand where huei is coming from and I find this thread disturbing to read and it seems to me you might be reaping what you deserve. 


I say no more and dont really care if anyone thinks Im a dropkick for saying it.

Got to say I agree with di99er 100 %


Even tho it may not be my place to say so,at the risk of being labelled a “convict” I will anyway.

Surffoils, what Huie and Harris & others have said is true, and it maybe a good lesson to learn.

You reap what you sew . There are many pro’s sharing a wealth of knoledge here, free of charge.

We should show them the respect they deserve.


Yeah surfoils your a cunt Huie wanted you to pay and you owe him big timwe for being such a noce guy and having shared his plan . You cunt you, die you scabby poofter yo should be BANNED

 Rok on Huie you da hard man KING of sways