I was wondering how many have succumbed to the strep lately, at the Channin complex, bringing home a Surf Expo strain in my case, my wife a therapist for autistic children, the Oceanside School Distric sent home a memo warning of its rampant outbreak. I started getting sick Sunday and came home at noon on Monday. I have raging tonsils and a 103 temp, this is no fun.
Jim, I’ve been lucky so far, only had one short lasting cold this winter. I attribute my success to using Zicam Cold Remedy spray. Give it a try next time you start to feel sick.>>> I was wondering how many have succumbed to the strep lately, at the > Channin complex, bringing home a Surf Expo strain in my case, my wife a > therapist for autistic children, the Oceanside School Distric sent home a > memo warning of its rampant outbreak. I started getting sick Sunday and > came home at noon on Monday. I have raging tonsils and a 103 temp, this is > no fun.
I was wondering how many have succumbed to the strep lately, at the > Channin complex, bringing home a Surf Expo strain in my case, my wife a > therapist for autistic children, the Oceanside School Distric sent home a > memo warning of its rampant outbreak. I started getting sick Sunday and > came home at noon on Monday. I have raging tonsils and a 103 temp, this is > no fun. …Yes,Jim the morbitity rate for strep has been high this winter.I know of several people that have contracted it this year, including my family.NO FUN IS CORECT-A-MUNDO !!!Do what your Doc says,and it will go away,eventually.Herb
used to get strep every year - from about the time I started getting asthma at puberty … … every year until - hate to sound like the ole health advocate but by 19 after reading linus pauling, adele davis and norman cousins . … started at least 1000 mgs of vitamin c a day. That’s only one pill and pills are easy for me, so probably a day hasn’t gone by since then that I haven’t downed vitamin C. It is decades later and Adele Davis was right. Stopped my asthma and stopped all colds and everything else. Haven’t had strep since then. Serious. I have increased the C, sometimes I take a whole bunch (big huge bottles of 1000 mg vitamin C at costco) and I notice a big difference the following day. My system is real used to it now, I never did get the runs or any of the stuff that people talk about. I have to say truthfully I have not had any fevers - none of the respiratory stuff - nothing - serious - since 19. And I don’t want to tell you how long ago that was. Always notice people get sick after they have had some alcohol. I just don’t happen to like it, but I know it is because it dehydrates the water soluble vitamins out of the body - and that’s C and B. So if you drink, just take extra C and B the following morning. Vitamin C may be a drag to some people, but for me - its an elixir by now. I love the stuff. And I am not exaggerating about how prone I was to respiratory and strep throat stuff. Plus I also hate to say it, but I smoke a little - and I STILL have not gotten anything - nothing - no infection in the respiratory or throat -actually anywhere for decades. If you don’t mind popping vitamin C - do it. It works. And it’s very very cheap.
I also take Vitamin C daily, at least 3,000 mg a day. Anytime I start to feel a little funny (like some sort of sickness is coming on), I eat 1-2 cloves of raw garlic a day(tough to do, but very effective), take a tincture of echinacea/goldenseal (4-5 droppersful a day at least), up the Vitamin C to at least 6,000 mg a day, and take a homeopathic remedy called Oscillocoxcinum (this stuff works wonders when taken RIGHT at the start of a cold or whatever). This combination will fight off many, many sicknesses. It is also important to have a healthy immune system to begin with. Hope you guys feel better.
JIM…Strep is raging on the east coast as well. My girl got it from the neighbor’s kid she was looking after. Check this out (of course, erythryomicin is the poison of choice, but…) to alleviate the PAIN (and this works on canker sores, as well, for me…swish CONCORD GRAPE JUICE in your mouth or throat! (no sugar added/ natural all juice type) I shit you not! It works like a charm to minimize the pain aspect. I use the Trader Joe’s organic type, but I reckon that any CONCORD brand will do. (must be concord purple)… (welch’s {sp.?}, better…the kosher “mad dog” variety!). After you guys stop laughing, give it a shot, and you’ll be surprised (maybe not). feel better…T.
Jim, I’ve been lucky so far, only had one short lasting cold this winter. > I attribute my success to using Zicam Cold Remedy spray. Give it a try > next time you start to feel sick. I’m also very susceptible to nasal bacteria and virus infections, also urinary infections. I take 250 mg of vitamin C per day, as any more would merely flow through my system. Vitamin C eliminated my urinary infections, and helped my nasal problems. The Zicam worked so well on my nasal infections that I started applying zinc salve directly way up my nose. The zinc salve is much cheaper than Zicam and probably stays around longer. I use a Q-tip and coat the zinc onto my turbinates and sinus entrances. While uncomfortable to apply, not only does it eliminate all colds and infection, it eliminates all nasal discomfort. I didn’t know how much discomfort I was subconsciously blocking until I started the Zinc salve treatments. Life is good.
JIM…Strep is raging on the east coast as well. My girl got it from the > neighbor’s kid she was looking after. Check this out (of course, > erythryomicin is the poison of choice, but…) to alleviate the PAIN (and > this works on canker sores, as well, for me…swish CONCORD GRAPE JUICE in > your mouth or throat! (no sugar added/ natural all juice type) I shit you > not! It works like a charm to minimize the pain aspect. I use the Trader > Joe’s organic type, but I reckon that any CONCORD brand will do. (must be > concord purple)… (welch’s {sp.?}, better…the kosher “mad > dog” variety!). After you guys stop laughing, give it a shot, and > you’ll be surprised (maybe not). feel better…T. Her on Kauai the health dept has done studies on the connection between strep and flesh eating staph. They found the connection has to do with young children who are strep carriers who don’t come down with strep. It’s been a while since I read the article so I’m a little fuzzy about the details but there is a connection between the two. Be careful,I’ve seen what flesh eating stap can do and it’s not a pretty sight. Aloha, Kokua
JIM…Strep is raging on the east coast as well. My girl got it from the > neighbor’s kid she was looking after. Check this out (of course, > erythryomicin is the poison of choice, but…) to alleviate the PAIN (and > this works on canker sores, as well, for me…swish CONCORD GRAPE JUICE in > your mouth or throat! (no sugar added/ natural all juice type) I shit you > not! It works like a charm to minimize the pain aspect. I use the Trader > Joe’s organic type, but I reckon that any CONCORD brand will do. (must be > concord purple)… (welch’s {sp.?}, better…the kosher “mad > dog” variety!). After you guys stop laughing, give it a shot, and > you’ll be surprised (maybe not). feel better…T. Tom thanks so much for the info, today I awoke with cold sores in both nostrils, center top lip, right top, right bottom, right cheek and canker sores on my tongue, so its off to Trader Joes in the morn, but who knows what I’ll have by then.
Dang Jim, that sounds gnarly! I sure hope you get better soon!!! Tom thanks so much for the info, today I awoke with cold sores in both > nostrils, center top lip, right top, right bottom, right cheek and canker > sores on my tongue, so its off to Trader Joes in the morn, but who knows > what I’ll have by then.
Tom thanks so much for the info, today I awoke with cold sores in both > nostrils, center top lip, right top, right bottom, right cheek and canker > sores on my tongue, so its off to Trader Joes in the morn, but who knows > what I’ll have by then. Jim, Trader Joe’s has an excellent and affordable alcohol and vitamin selection, but it sounds like you need to go to a medical doctor. The high fever is a good indicator. One of the cruds making the rounds lasts about two weeks with high fevers coming in waves…my 80 year old father got fever chills so bad they really made him - incoherent isn’t the word, but he really wasn’t thinking clearly. I got him into an emergency room and they got antibiotics and fluids started. His regular doctor said a few days later that this kind of episode can (but not always) certainly lead into a series of problems which can culminate with a coma. The cold and canker sores are probably symptoms showing a body weakened by something else. Serious business once you have something going. Take care. Nels
Jim,>>> Trader Joe’s has an excellent and affordable alcohol and vitamin > selection, but it sounds like you need to go to a medical doctor. The high > fever is a good indicator. One of the cruds making the rounds lasts about > two weeks with high fevers coming in waves…my 80 year old father got > fever chills so bad they really made him - incoherent isn’t the word, but > he really wasn’t thinking clearly. I got him into an emergency room and > they got antibiotics and fluids started. His regular doctor said a few > days later that this kind of episode can (but not always) certainly lead > into a series of problems which can culminate with a coma. The cold and > canker sores are probably symptoms showing a body weakened by something > else.>>> Serious business once you have something going. Take care. I’m doing much better, feel like a million, look like scabman of Alcatraz.>>> Nels
I’m doing much better, feel like a million, look like scabman of Alcatraz.
if the water is clean, you can probably get any wave you want for a while!
if the water is clean, you can probably get any wave you want for a > while! Allright Jim go on and tell the truth…you probably caught that bug from messing around at the dump.You didn’t drain any milk cartons did you?Glad you feel mo betta.
also ilu g if you read>>> I also take Vitamin C daily, at least 3,000 mg a day. Anytime I start to > feel a little funny (like some sort of sickness is coming on), I eat 1-2 > cloves of raw garlic a day(tough to do, but very effective), take a > tincture of echinacea/goldenseal (4-5 droppersful a day at least), up the > Vitamin C to at least 6,000 mg a day, and take a homeopathic remedy called > Oscillocoxcinum (this stuff works wonders when taken RIGHT at the start of > a cold or whatever). This combination will fight off many, many > sicknesses. It is also important to have a healthy immune system to begin > with. Hope you guys feel better.