The end of surfing

Melodramatic, I know, but if energy can be extracted from waves, then waves reaching your favorite break will have less energy, right?

“Japan has several small-scale OWC and Pendulor wave energy schemes [J1-J4]. JAMSTEC are seeking to built a large, floating OWC device the ‘Mighty Whale’, both as an energy producer and as a means of providing calm inshore waters for mari-culture [J3].”

Theoreticly incorrect sir.

Perpetual motion,

Wind and atmospheric pressure,

Enviromental activism,

Chaos effect,

The butterfly passes wind in the amazon,

Go somewhere else,

The redirect might make things better there.

Geez I’m crappy at Hikeoos, can’t even spell it.



I prefer to think that energy trapping devices will work primarily in the shorter wavelength end of the spectrum, sucking all the energy out with wave periods shorter than 150 feet, in effect, acting like a kelp bed. Groundswells are largely unaffected, chop turns the lights on.

Physically completely plausible.







           NO HAIKU

… gasundhect …

End? Surfing, like lock and loll in the spirit of haiku, will live forever.

back --atchoo!–

When the energy can be extracted from waves, then why do you think they will even allow waves to reach your favorite break?

Wayull, that’s kinda like saying that if somebody is using solar power it’ll knock down the solar energy ( warmth, sunlight, vitamin D and of course tanning potential ) reaching you.

If somebody was putting their solar panels right over your vegetable garden, then ya have a problem. If the solar panels are on their roof a long ways away, then ya don’t. It’s all about where they put the things.

Besides which, think of all the electricity produced without burnin’ up all those petrochemicals, said petrochemicals being the raw material for foam, resins and so forth. And then ya got yer oil spills.

Anyhow - on the practical side of it, I wouldn’t worry. You see, in my neck of the woods there’s a company looking to put up a pretty good sized wind generator array on a shoal in Nantucket Sound. This is just about the most expensive part of the continental US to buy electricity in, the fuel barges that supply the generating stations are regularly bumping into things and spilling considerable onto the waters, we have an acid rain problem locally from power station exhausts - the list goes on… but…

We also have some wash-ashore bozos who moved in recently with a lot of money and houses on the shore who don’t want to look at a wind generator on the horizon and are mounting a very well financed campaign to put down the wind generator array plan with all sorts of specious arguments. It’s what ya call yer NIMBY argument- Not In My Back Yard. The rich tend to think their views, convenience and pleasures are the be-all and end all of the universe and to blazes with anyone else.

Kinda makes you understand the Bolsheviks point of view. And start thinking in terms of who oughtta go up against the wall …

In the same way, anybody looking to build a power plant that uses wave energy is bound to have a very expensive, long, drawn out court battle to put it anywhere that the rich go to play. And they like to play by the seaside.

hope that’s of use


I did some graduate work in this area (energy extraction from the ocean via wave action and thermal conversion) - I’m also an engineer in the Navy and currently live in Japan -

I personally think you don’t have to fear losing breaks to this type of technology. Waves have the ability to wrap around obstacle in their path.

In fact, there are a few of these devices near some pretty popular surf breaks I used to haunt. Over the years I have not seen a single effect.

The weather in Japan can be brutal also - typhoons in the summer and strong westerly winds in the winter (which eventually blossom into the fetch building monsters that fuel the North Shore). The beaches here are very narrow and some tempering could help…