For a variety of reasons I am going to close down by the end of the summer (2005).
It’s taken me two weeks or more to get this far, writing and rewriting and starting all over again. I guess I keep hoping for some inspiring thing to happen to regenerate my interest, but it hasn’t happened yet, and the near future holds much more in the way of distractions and roadblocks for me.
I’ve been over and over this same territory trying to explain myself, and I’ve had enough. I don’t have to explain myself, so why bother. It’s been a fun few years. Technology has changed, making production of this site more work while the basic functions can easily be done on various forums. I’ll still poke around some of them. I may even put up a few “summing up” essays here before I pull the plug.
Apparently I came to surfing from another time and place, if not planet, and I’m homesick. The trouble is I’m not sure where I came from still exists. Neverless, I’m headed home. I’ll write if I find work.
One think I CAN tell you, that AIN"T Kipling. More like Lewis Carroll. We had to memorize and recite it as a group, back in 8th grade. New first year haole teacher, in Hilo. I was the only other haole in class. We didn’t win anything. Miss Graves, if you’re out there, I remember!
One think I CAN tell you, that AIN"T Kipling. More like Lewis Carroll
Nice one, Charlie…I just said “…by Kipling, I believe…” my weasel words covering my history of general disinterest in British lit…I shoulda looked it up but then there is …
…my personal interest in seeing if anybody would know one way or another. It figures it would come from a Swaylock’s regular. Rather gives one hope for the universe, you know?
I would like to take a quick moment to thank many of you for recent kind words. Internet technology has progressed far beyond what was forseen 4-5 years ago. Forums like Swaylock’s …these can be communication magic. Take it from one who has poked around print journalism once upon a time…for current examples we have to go no further than the Surfer’s Journal Shaper Soundings thread…to have the give and take of that exchange which took place in a matter of days here would have taken 6-8 months for monthly print magazines to cover. This is edge of magic stuff, really revolutionary…in 2000 some companies were spending several millions of dollars to develop websites without the scope of interest, subjects, and participants we see here every week.
Getting it going is one thing; keeping it going is another. If Surfer Magazine really had huevos Mike and the Moderators should get serious credit for being among the most influential people in surfing.