...the essential quiver...

…WHAT would be in the essential quiver and more importantly…WHY…???..

All from my perspective here in Florida… All wave hight measurements are from the front. 6"3" Short with squash tail for those good 3 to 6 foot days (Standard equipment in a Florida Quiver) 6"6" mini gun for those Hurricanes and noreaster’s 6 to 10 foot (Not used nearly enough) 7"2" Gun for over 10 (Travel board) Only used one time here in Florida for the Halloween Swell '91 6"0" plattafish Fat and Floaty with Big Swallow Tail for mushy sloppy Florida 1 to 4 foot (This has been my all purpose and mostly ridden board here in Florida) 9’3" Performance Longboard just to change things up every so often… 10" Classic Noserider for the love of it!!>>> …WHAT would be in the essential quiver and more > importantly…WHY…???..

…WHAT would be in the essential quiver and more > importantly…WHY…???.. 1) Standard Thruster (dimensions to fit rider/wave type). Simply the most versatile design there is. Keep it simple; no nose, dual concave or slight v, and a squash tail., A bag full of different fins makes it almost a quiver unto itself. 2) Displacement Hull (6’8" to 7’4" long) Why? RAIL TURNS! Oh yeah, they paddle like a 9’6" so you don’t have to drag a longboard around when it gets small. 3) Neumatic Mat (4’ of pure fun). After you’ve noodled out your arms you can still kick in to a few. Indescribable (everyone here has tried, including me, but words aren’t enough)feel. Oh yeah, you can pack 'em in a carry-on suitcase so no baggage charges… 4) A twin engine prop with enough room to store the above and range enough to hop down the Baja and into Centro. With the plane, you’d aways find good waves and never need a longboard. Newbs

…WHAT would be in the essential quiver and more > importantly…WHY…???.. 6’4" modern fish (already in quiver) Wide nose, wide swallow, thruster set up. 7’0" Egg (in process of being shaped) Wide nose, round pin, single fin. 8’0" Fun gun (still on drawing board) More like a streamlined hybrid for waves up to 8 ft. (my limit). 9’0" Longboard (already in quiver) My main ride. Bit of modern and traditional elements in this design. Slight nose concave, low soft rails, round pin, single fin. 9’0" Longboard (already in quiver) Noserider, wide, thick. Basically a plank for the tiny days. Has a very subtle edge where the 50/50 rail blends into the bottom, making it a bit more snappy. Single fin. My fish and longboard keep me pretty much covered. I’ll use the 9’0" in almost anything I come across. The fish for hollower, close to shore breaks. The egg would be a shorter version of my 9’0". The fun gun for if I do decide to go on some Indo boat or surf trip where I need something to handle steep drops and such.

shortboard thruster retro single fin egg high performance longboard vintage san onofre style single fin big wave speed shape

…WHAT would be in the essential quiver and more > importantly…WHY…???.. 9’4" High Performance Longboard - Rounded Pin: Great in surf over chest high, but after putting on a squirel cutaway and surfing it as a single fin it’s great in waist high as well. 8’0" Hybrid with rounded square - great in waist high to 8 ft waves…Maybe more! 7’8" Liddle Hull Island Template - On order! Can’t wait!

…WHAT would be in the essential quiver and more > importantly…WHY…???.. Minimum quiver for local conditions: One smallwave board of some sort(fish, midlength, longboard) One board for fun days(Regular thruster) Wishlist quiver: Retro fish(In pipeline) For the countless days when the surf less then optimal 6’10 bigguy shortboard(In quiver) For fun days up to 1.5 overhead 8’ fungun(On drawingboard) To handle what I have the guts to paddle out in 9’8 semi-noserider(In quiver, homebuilt) For small days, that nice gliding feeling and when I’m to tired to catch any more waves on my shortboard. Platinum card wishlist quiver: Jim Philips longboard with alot of curved stringers Cooperfish Comet with crazy swirls Steve Brom Fish McCoy Nugget Liddle Hull Paul Jensen hollow woodboard Dale Salomonson surfmat Fat Penguin Surf prescriptions U.S.O Beautiful(except maybe the penguin and the mat…(sorry dale)), hi-quality surf vehicles and interesting rides. regards, Håvard

8’0" Hybrid with rounded square - great in waist high to 8 ft > waves…Maybe more!>>> 7’8" Liddle Hull Island Template - On order! Can’t wait! hey Alex! that Liddle is a great board.However, you may want to ask him if he should drop the rocker a bit, unless you surf in Hawaii or central-northern California, where the surf tends to be bigger and steeper.

hey Alex! that Liddle is a great board.However, you may want to ask him if > he should drop the rocker a bit, unless you surf in Hawaii or > central-northern California, where the surf tends to be bigger and > steeper. Matt, I don’t know what he is going to be doing as far as rocker. I surf in the Santa Barbara/Ventura where surf conditions vary from piss poor small stuff to double overhead. I am getting side fins on it. I think it will be 3 /16 thick at most, 17 1/4 nose, and tail at 13 3/4 but I’m not sure. He just finished glassing it so it’s ready to go. I think he might put a little extra rocker on it and also make it a little wider for California surf. Will the 7’8" perform well in smaller surf say waist to chest high? He did say that the side bitters will help with turning from the tail(although I know about rail turns) a bit more then the other templates, and will ease back side surfing. I hope it does! What template do you have? Alex

essentail? prob not. do i like it? yeah. do i want more? yeah. my quiver 3 neumatic surf mats (a must. i often tell dale i don’t take mine out all of the time because i fear i will only ride it and the rest of my quiver will just collect dust) 1 4th gear flyer – ya gotta love history 1 surfoplane – essential, def not, fun, great for people wanting to “learn to surf” 5’10" fryed fish with marine plywook keel fins 7’0" parmenter vector - bigger, steeper, hollower days 7’6" liddle hull – same reasons as everyone else 9’6" tyler zeke – all around – board is fantastic 9’8" iron cross – so banged up i don’t mind lending it out 9’10" wegener noserider – really a great noserider (and quite an excellent all around longboard) 18’ bark paddleboard – paddle when flat next? maybe a frye-like section connector??? essential – longboard (chest to head and smaller), mat (anything – perfect for travel – anywave) and the vector (anything fast and hollow – all overhead)

…WHAT would be in the essential quiver and more > importantly…WHY…???.. In quiver: 5.8 styro. fish (home made) 6.3 Steve Brom fish 9.0 Jim Phillips 9.4 Mobley 10.7 home made flowmaster In use: 6.3 Steve Brom fish. Why? it flyes. In order: 6.0 Steve Brom fish. Why ? same reason. Gonna shape: 6.6 Stinger