the first try to shape an epoxy board! need help:)

Hey Guys, i try to shape my first surfboard! But its not very easy! The German-surfcommunities arent very big, and the information’s about shaping in German is a disaster! I hope some guys here will help me!!

i want to shape an epoxy board with an stringer! The board should be similar to this one (not exactly!)

my firtst question is, could somebody check my construction with the aku shaper? Is there a big mistake or could i start to shape the board?

Thx and greetings Chris


you need to attach the aku file so we can take a look at it. The board on the link looks like a nice shape.

Hi DMP thx for your help! I have tried to upload the file over normal editor here it doesnt work!

But here is an external link to that file

you have to scroll the page till the end, after that, just type the numbers in the field.

Greetings Chris

the PDF file


It took me a while to figure out how to download the file. I can’t read German.

I did get a chance to look at the file and it looks pretty good. If you are going to print the outline to make a template from the file I would clean up the curves a bit in the nose, really more for aesthics than function. I’ll try to attach the original and a few changes to an updated one. The rocker, thickness, and rails look great. I think you have a good start for a fun board. I use the Aku info board print outs as an order form of sorts and as a 2 dimensional guide. If I really like the look of a board I’ll print out a full size outline and make a template.

The forum won’t allow .brd attachments so I converted your original file and the update to a .pdf so you can look at the difference. The example I did is my take on your design if I were to shape it for myself. I’d also put the wide point more forward if it were my board and make a few changes to the nose thickness, but I didn’t want to go too far from your desgn. It is easy and fun to play around with the Aku software but the real fun starts when you put your hands on the foam.

Good luck and have fun.[dateiupload[1].net]Truvalli.pdf

Hey DMP sorry for the german site:) i waited eagerly for an response from you:) thx you for you answer!! Your mod. look very good!! could you send me the aku shaper file from your modification? Would be very nice! So i will start tomorrow to print the templates!

i will send you a privte message with my email adress!