The Fish Experiment

What type of fins are you going to use?

i think that extra bit of thickness will serve you well as for the width i guess where still enemys on that issue, but everything else looks really good. i check your sight every once in a while and cant wait to see the board.

Chano, I’ll be using D Fins from Fin Fektion. They are foiled on both sides and the template is the traditional fish fin template. I’ve been trolling the forum for opinions on fin placement and while I’m pretty set on where they will go, I’m just waiting till the board is shaped and the fins arrive before I finalise fin placement so that I can eyeball it.

Once I’ve decided this, the design section of the website will be updated. I think it will still be a week or so before I am at that stage.

Turbo, thanks for the words… maybe after riding the first Fish Experiment I may see it a little more your way :slight_smile: Anyways, the blank is in my garage, the template is done and I’m getting ready to start shaping :slight_smile:

My fish experiment has been shaped… picture of the board is below. Final dimensions are as originally advertised: 6’3" x 20 1/2" x 2 3/4".

Let me know what you think. Also, I’m posting a question regarding the boxyness of the tail as a separate thread… If you have any feedback on that, can you use the following thread.

Spraying and glassing to come :slight_smile:

I’ll update the website in the next day or so with more pics.


Quick update:

From the feedback to my question on the tail, I’ve fine tuned the tail a little and I’m much happier now with the flow in the foil. Thanks all for your assistance.

Check the website for updates:


Update on the fish experiment:

Board was laminated over the weekend with the result being not perfect, but slightly better than I had expected for my first time glassing. Just a few airbubble and drips that need to be sanded back tonight.

** Does anybody have any tips for handling small air bubbles in the lam? I was thinking of filling them during the hot coat by putting in a small hole and putting in some resin.

Anyways, some pics attached… and sorry I won’t post the pic of the “Swaylocks Inspired” laminate that I put between the fins as the photo came out very blurry… you just get the deck laminate photo :slight_smile:

Hot coat, glassing fins and sanding is scheduled to finish by the end of the week (as it will be evening work :), but with 34 degree celcius days lined up over the next 2 days, I may get held up with getting onto the hotcoat as I’m not glassing if it’s over 30 degs C (sorry not sure of the conversion to F)


The Fish Experiment that I embarked on earlier this year finally wrapped up this weekend when it hit the water for the first time… I am absolutely stoked with the board and it wouldn’t have been possible without all of your help.

Thanks to everyone that helped out with design feedback, feedback on my boxy tail thread, glassing advice and general encouragement.

Anyways, here is a picture of the finished product… I’ll be posting some more pics on my website over the next few days.

-Cam (absolutely stoked)


… and sorry I won’t post the pic of the “Swaylocks Inspired” laminate that I put between the fins as the photo came out very blurry…


Oh c’mon Cam, don’t tease us like that. Retake the pic and post. Puleeeeezzzz?

Sorry for holding out… this one is clearer :slight_smile:

Lots more pics up on my website now… go to and click on “Finishing”. Warning for those on dial-up - there are a fair few photos on this page, I couldn’t help myself :slight_smile:


Glad to see and hear the fish is done

For everybody trying the website, you’ll just need to hold off for an hour or so as Geocities only allows me 4mb data transfer per hour… by my calculations thats about 8 hits on the site now that I have so many images up :frowning:

The site will be re-enabled by Yahoo within the hour, but unfortunately, I have had to reduce the size and the amount of images.


Hey Cameron,

Great job on the “Fish Experiment”. The website is well put together and the board looks fantastic! I also like your fish logo. What does the candle symbolize?

Sr Pato


Hey Cameron,

Great job on the “Fish Experiment”. The website is well put together and the board looks fantastic! I also like your fish logo. What does the candle symbolize?

Sr Pato

Ah yes, the candle :slight_smile:

When I was designing the logo, the idea was a fish combined with test tubes and then a bunsen burner to give it some symbolism of an experiment… as one of the guys reviewed the design, he commented that the bunsen burner looked more like a candle… unfortunately, it was hard to create a simple image of a bunsen burner without it looking similar to a candle stick :slight_smile:

So I hope I answered the question, unfortunately, the candlestick is a bunsen burner :slight_smile:



From now on, I’ll only see a bunsen burner.

Sr Pato

Nice fish Cameron …well done mate !

[ “Hicksy” might suffer deja - vu when he sees ‘your’ logo , though…


Evolution designed the fish skeleton, not me or anyone else.

I just make it smile…

Congrats on the board mate. Now for number 2…

