The fish that won't get away

I used the steve lis template from the pdf surfboard design and construction.

base 9 inch height 5"

May aswell throw my hat in.

I am about to make my first board and guess what…it’s a fish too! :slight_smile:

I’m 6’, 190-200lbs and a crappy surfer but intend on making the attached shape with single foiled keels with a little toe-in and cant (using the template above)

Blank comes today, RR Epoxy & Glass on Monday.


“riend recently got a bigfish from Dave Johnson in Santa Barbara”

My bad…truth:

Walden Magic Fish. It is 7’6" with a big round nose, beveled and concave bottom

Agree on the keels, I’m riding a H. Warner 7’2" 23x17x17x3, belly up front with really soft rails, double concave all the way through. Easy to get up to speed, very manueverable. Lis style keels. I’m 6’5" 230, been surfing 39years. For a bigger guy, it seems 6’6"-7’4" is plenty. Blank is ordered to build smaller, same same just shorter this time.

forgot these…

Couple of pictures of big fishes. The pink one’s my wife and is 5’6 for size, the middle one’s 6’6" and my everyday board and the big fella is 7’2".

cheers Joe

Long live the Queen!

Nice. Have any full board pics? I’m thinking of doing a 6’ 9" Skip Frye style fish and was wondering about the fins. I was going to do straight line keels but maybe some toe in like yours? I don’t know…

The 7’2 has a very slight toe in and single foiled fins and the 6’6" runs with double foiled fins, straight with 3deg of cant.

Cheers Joe

My friends Frye, 6’9", I’ll try and get pics of fins from him…

Couple more of the new ones EPS and stringerless 5’11" S deck and copy of the 6’6".

cheers joe

The H. Warner(above orange rails) are double foiled and thin. If you’re into turning, this set up works well, double concave with toe in and slight cant. It handles size, I was worried about slippage, so far only does that when off the top semi vertical. A little slidey in the barrel, just got used to it and it’s not a problem.